View-Master | 18 x 18 | oil on canvas
I've really been out of the loop for quite a while now. With the Thanksgiving holiday, and family in from out of town, my attention was diverted from my career. Which was a good thing, because Karen and I really needed to get out of the "work all of the time mode", and chill a little bit.
My brother Doug was here from New York, and he convinced us to get a Christmas tree this year. We don't have much space in our house, so we usually just decorate the mantle of our fireplace, but with some creative rearrangement of our furniture it worked perfectly. We had a great time decorating the tree, and it looks great. Thanks bro!
With the first round of holidays over, I've been working on some new stuff, the first of which is this GAF View-Master. These devices used to blow my mind when I was a kid, and I thought it would be fun to paint one. Now I'm deciding on the dimensions of my next piece. I'm thinking of going overscale with it, but haven't made up my mind just yet. I think it could look really cool big. I hoping to make a decision today.
I've had some good sales in the last few weeks. I shipped two paintings to Tree's Place Gallery which were marked for the Boston International Fine Art Show. One sold as it was being unpacked at the gallery, and the second sold at the show. Mason Murer Fine Art sold two of my large paintings. Mule No.2 sold a couple of weeks ago, and they sold my B-25 at the Miami Red Dot Art Fair over the weekend. Karen should have a nice Christmas this year.
Speaking of gifts, I'm thinking of asking Karen for a new ball head for my tripod for Christmas. If there are any photographers out their with a favorite model or brand, I'd appreciate your suggestions/testimonials.
I just love your work! This piece brings back memories from my childhood.
Artist in Disguise
Growing up in the fifties, I was hooked on the Viewmaster as well. We didn't have a TV, so looking through the Viewmaster was the closest thing I could come to looking at backlit images. I also like looking at slides held up to the light. That's really what I'm trying to create with my images, although I certainly do appreciate any and all of your work with light, reflective and refractive surfaces. This one is a keeper, because it tells a story that many of us remember from our past.
J'ai bien connu ceci... Gros bisous
It's so beautiful your work !!
Great painting! Congratulations on the paintings selling. I'm excited for y'all's Christmas! I can't wait to see your paintings. Merry Christmas!
Hi Neil,
I LOVE this! The composition, colors, everything about it!
I'm glad that I have a view master it was a gift for me by my sister and when I looking that stuff it brings back memories.
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Fun - I can remember the spring sound the "shutter" lever made on my model. Seeing this painting brought me back to being a kid again.
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Hello Neil,
Thanks for sharing the value able information regarding the painting. we are also deals with Oil Paintings
Thank you so much for sharing the valuable information about painting,because it tells a story that many people remember there sweet memories.
Oil Paintings
This is some wonderful art. Really well done. The colours are truly beautifully set together. Oil Paintings on Canvas
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