Karen is one of the featured artists in the April 2009 issue of Oranges & Sardines Magazine. This is a quarterly publication offered online, or you can purchase a hard copy at either
Amazon.com, or
createspace.com. Content for the magazine is centered around poetry, and the visual arts. Didi Menendez, one of the editors at the magazine contacted Karen, and interviewed her for the article. It provides an interesting insight into Karen's creative process.
Deep Breathingoil on canvas
36'' x 48"In addition to the Q&A, the article includes four, full page, images of her work, including
Deep Breathing, above. If you'd like to read the article online, and view the other featured paintings, you can visit the magazines website at:
Karen was also interviewd by Jeff Hayes for a new feature he's begun on his blog
. It's a monthly in depth interview with other artists. Her interview was posted last night, and can be read by clicking this
State of the Art link.

I was one of the featured artists in the first edition of O&S magazine back in the summer of 2008. That article is still archived, and can be read online, by
clicking here. I'm nearing the finish line with the Chicago commission. I'll probably have the fourth painting completed within the next couple of days. I'll post an image as soon as it's done. It's the smallest of the four, but one of the more complicated to paint. It's been a real challenge, but if it works, I may use this same subject for future gallery paintings.