6 x 6 oil on hardboard
This carton of coke bottles will probably be showing up repeatedly for a while yet. There is something about that green glass, and the red carton that kills me. Especially when the red shows through the glass. Man! I've got this idea in the back of my mind to try one of these bottles really big. Something like 36 x 36, or 24 x 48. I think it could be really cool. Many of my favorite contemporary realists like Pedro Campos, and Steve Mills commonly work in this size. I wonder if I could do it? Maybe 2010 is the year to go BIG. If you'd like to bid on this painting, you can access the auction by clicking here.
Great job Neil. I'm also feeling a pull to work a bit bigger!
Fantastic! It would be jaw-dropping on such a large scale.
Yeah, that would be cool....there is something about large scale that makes you feel like you could walk right into it. Would love to see it.
Eye catching! I love it!
The greens are just amazing in this one!!
They almost appear to glow!
I like this so much.
Really nice work! I especially like the composition; you gave this a unique viewpoint.
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