Tuesday, October 31, 2006


oil on hardboard panel
6'' x 6"


I'll be painting "studies" in the coming weeks to test some ideas for larger paintings I plan to use for a show at Twinhouse in January 2007. Since I intend to use a square format for all of the paintings in that show, I felt the six by six size I've been using for my auctions would be a good platform to experiment with theme and composition. Tonight I've decided to paint one of my favorite foods. The dill pickle. These were a new find offered by Mount Olive. Jalapeño dills. Good eatin.

Monday, October 30, 2006


oil on hardboard panel
6'' x 6"


I'll be painting "studies" in the coming weeks to test some ideas for larger paintings I plan to use for a show at Twinhouse in January 2007. Since I intend to use a square format for all of the paintings in that show, I felt the six by six size I've been using for my auctions would be a good platform to experiment with theme and composition. Today I've decided to combine the pool balls with the glass shpere into a single composition.

Thursday, October 26, 2006


oil on hardboard panel
6'' x 6"


I'll be painting "studies" in the coming weeks to test some ideas for larger paintings I plan to use for a show at Twinhouse in January 2007. Since I intend to use a square format for all of the paintings in that show, I felt the six by six size I've been using for my auctions would be a good platform to experiment with theme and composition. One of my favorite themes is the coffee cup. I love the opalescent quality of the ceramic.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Beasts of Burden

oil on hardboard panel
6'' x 6"


Inspired by David Coalburn's tireless efforts to support, and promote animal shelters throughout the U.S., I periodically donate a portion of the total of select auctions to the Happy PAWS Haven shelter. These donations stem from my still life paintings the majority of the time, but tonight I wanted to use an animal piece to help raise money for animals. These two were hitched to a carriage used to transport tourists through the streets of Savannah, Georgia. They were taking a break in the shade of one of Savannah's many oak trees when I took this shot.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Paper Bags

oil on hardboard panel
6'' x 6"


My wife Karen is a master when it comes to painting paper bags. I've watched her work on them, and marveled at how she "carves" out each facet of those ocher jewels. So, I'm attempting them again, on a much smaller scale. I loved this particular composition, because so much of subject was in shadow. And that blast of light with it's reflection on the oak table, blew me away.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006


oil on hardboard panel
6'' x 6"


I don't know what to say about this item other than I just like it. I've been wanting to paint this little bottle for some time, but never got around to it. The quality of the glass, the waterline, the refraction of the dropper, and the rubber squeeze bulb in the cap all come together to create a cool looking subject. For me anyway.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

A Bag of Granny's

oil on hardboard panel
6'' x 6"


Fall is a time for apples, so here is a bag of granny smiths.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Vintage Scissors

oil on hardboard panel
6'' x 6''


I was in the mood for a little fine detail today, so I decided to paint these scissors. I borrowed them from Bob Deyber months ago intrigued by the complex pattern on the handle, and the age of the steel. They were placed upon the soapstone table in our kitchen. The table was a great find Karen and I came across at a retro furniture store we frequent called City Issue. The table was originally used in the science lab of a high-school. The wooden skirt beneath the stone top is covered with graffiti, applied over the years by a multitude of distracted students.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

the Spider

oil on hardboard panel
6'' x 6''


Earlier this summer I passed one of these nomadic carnivals setting up in the parking lot of a local shopping center. This traveling amusement park struck me as a great subject for some paintings. I quickly drove home, got my camera and returned to get as many shots as I could before the gates opened for business. The cumulus were building up in the sunny humid skys, providing a wonderful backdrop to the well worn amusements in various stages of assembly. This piece depicts a small portion of a single leg of the spider.

Monday, October 09, 2006

P.A.D. in Art Calendar Magazine

Carolyn Proeber, editor of Art Calendar magazine, has written an engaging and informative article for this months issue, on the Painting A Day movement. The article begins with the dramatic, and well deserved, success of Duane Keiser. It details the chronology of his involvement, and how his work has accelerated it's phenomenal growth.

The article continues as Boston artist, Jeff Hayes, provides his insight into the popularity of the PAD method. The views of Virginia artist Maggie Stiefvater are also included. I'm proud to say that I own paintings from both of these talented artists. The article contains images of paintings from Jeff and Maggie, as well as the work of artist Darren Maurer.

The article concludes with a concise outline, providing basics on how one can get started. I've been doing this for a while, and I have to say that I learned some things myself. If you find yourself at your local newstand, you should check it out.

I would also like to thank Carolyn for her generousity in choosing one of my paintings for the cover. It was a great honor, and I thank you.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Egg Bowl

oil on hardboard panel
6'' x 6''


Tonight it's eggs again, but just the outside. A clear glass bowl filled with some grade A large.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

the Pause that Refreshes

oil on hardboard panel
6'' x 6''


When we go on vacation, we invariably wind up in Blue Mountain Florida. We've been going there for over twenty years, and it feels like our second home. Sometime during our stay we will cruise down to Seaside for an ice cream or to pick up a new book at Sundog. On our last trip we came across this small snack stand built out of what looked to be a tiny Airstream trailer near the "town" center. This old coke crate was sitting on an ice chest next to the stand. I loved it's color, and the graphic quality of the Coke logo.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Calla Lilli

oil on hardboard panel
6'' x 6''


I decided to do something a little softer, and a little quicker tonight. The blossom of a Calla Lilli. Gary my brother in law, M.D., and accomplished underwater photographer, is now exploring the world of terra firma with his camera. His first foray was to venture into the garden around his home. He was very excited to show me his new pix, taken with his macro lens. I have to say, they were very good. He graciously allowed me to "borrow" a few of my favorites to use as subjects for future paintings. So, I returned to my painting a day mode, and did this little close-up of a Calla Lilli.

Monday, October 02, 2006

a Glass Sphere

oil on hardboard panel
6'' x 6''


I picked up three of these glass spheres at a local antiques store a while back. They've been laying around the house for a long time, and I've never done anything with them. The pool balls I painted recently got me juiced up to paint more spheres, so I grabbed my camera, and fired off a few shots. You can see me in the center. I love painting glass.