Monday, December 29, 2008

Reese's: 5th Completed Commission Piece

oil on canvas
30'' x 30"

At last, the Print Pack commission is finally complete. Reese's makes number five. Now all I've got to do is send off a jpeg to Spalding, then wait to hear from the client that everything is acceptable. Hopefully a check will soon follow, along with a proposal for additional paintings in the future.

I also recently received an email from the person responsible for acquiring art for the new executive offices of Mead Johnson Nutrtitionals in Chicago. He wanted to know if I would be interested in providing some artwork for that project. We're scheduled to talk after the holidays, so I'll have to keep you all posted on how that goes. If what we've discussed to date turns out as planned, it could be a fun project. To be continued . . . .

Christmas was nice. Karen and I spent the day with my folks. Lots of good food, and stimulating conversation. Then later that evening home to watch, It's A Wonderful Life, and finally off to sleep with visions of . . . . I'm not sure at this point how, or with whom we'll spend New Years Eve, but that aside Karen and I would like to wish you all a Happy New Year!

I'll see you back here in 2009.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Happy Holidays 2008

Wow! Another year has come and gone. Unreal. Seeing as it is that time of year again, Happy Holidays. I'd also like to add a special message to this post, a word of appreciation to all of you who have taken the time to write comments throughout this past year. Thank you. I'm bad about responding to them I know, but I'd like everybody to understand that they are very much appreciated. I hope everyone has a great holiday season, and to you all, my best wishes for wonderful 2009!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Corporate Commission in Progress: Reese's

oil on canvas
30'' x 30"

I usually wait until I get a little further along with a painting before I post an in progress image, but I haven't been painting much recently, and figured I'd better get something up. I hate to let more than a week go by between posts. Since I've done so little on this particular painting I may ultimately have two progress posts. My excuse was a wedding. Our nephew Jason Meyerson was married this past weekend, and we've been occupied with get-togethers, and ceremony for a good part of last week. The wedding went very smoothly, and everyone there had a great time. Jason was really happy, and his bride Alyson looked very beautiful. Jason and Alyson are are sweet couple, and I know they will be extremely happy together. They have that, "made for each other", quality. In addition to the wedding I've also been busy getting Karen's new 24" iMac (an early present to herself) set up. I'm so envious. And if this wasn't enough, I also spent some time getting the house looking "chrismassee". Now it's time to get back to work finishing up the commission, and moving on to more personal paintings.

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Lay's: 4th Completed Commission Piece


oil on canvas
30'' x 30"

I can almost see the light at the end of the tunnel. This is number four of the five commissioned paintings for Print Pack. All that leaves is a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup, and then that's it. It will be good to get back to gallery work again. I just hope there is still an audience out there that can buy art. My gallery sales have been in a slump lately. Karen's sales, on the other hand, have actually increased since the economic "meltdown" began, so I remain cautiously optimistic. My main thrust on completion of this last commissioned painting, will be to get new work out there. I've enjoyed working on these larger pieces, and am excited about continuing in this scale with other subject matter. Once the Reese's is done, I'll get busy with new photography, and hopefully come up with some fresh, and interesting ideas.

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Corporate Commission in Progress: Lay's

oil on canvas
30'' x 30"

I've just completed the first pass on the fourth commissioned painting. My plan is to finish up this, and the last piece by the end of December. I'd really like to get back to gallery work, and ebay. I think I can do it.

There have been rumors of adding more items to this commission. This would give the execs the ability to replace selected paintings in order to highlight specific clients during board meetings. Not a bad idea actually. If this does turn out to be the case, I still think I'll work on other non-commissioned pieces prior to returning to the corporate gig.

Had a good holiday. My brother came in from NYC, and spent a few days with us. While he was here, we went to the King Tut exhibit at the Atlanta Civic Center. That was very cool. I'm a huge fan of Egyptian art. The next day was spent at the Terracotta Warriors exhibit at the High Museum of Art. As amazing as the warriors were, I think the most awe inspiring things I saw at the museum that day were one of Leonardo Da Vinci's notebooks, and Johannes Vermeer's, "The Astronomer". These two completely blew me away.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Oreo's: 3rd Completed Commission Piece

oil on canvas
30'' x 30"

These commissioned paintings have me longing for the time when I could complete a piece in a few days. I really miss that sense of instant gratification. Oreo's has taken the better part of two weeks, and after much struggle I feel it's finally done. As usual it seems there is more I could with it, but I think the extra work would be lost to most viewers. Spalding Nix, my liaison with the client, took the first two completed paintings in Monday morning to company headquarters. There was to be an unveiling of the artwork completed to date by all of the commissioned artists. I wanted them to understand that the paintings had not been varnished, and that I would need them back for that final step. I also wanted to impress upon him that the paintings would look better after the varnish had been applied. I'm nervous enough about how these will be received by the client. Wednesday Spalding came by to return the paintings. He said they were a hit, and that there had been talk about new work they would like to commission. Cool. Spalding also had good things to say about the latest painting above, which was a relief to hear. So, now it's on to number four. A bag of Lays potato chips.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Corporate Commission in Progress: Oreo's

oil on canvas
30'' x 30"

This is the sixth day of work on the third of five corporate commissioned paintings. I have to say this one has really been kicking my butt. I knew that I'd have problem with the embossing on the cookies, but I underestimated by just how much. The wrinkles, and the text on the package are also posing their own distinct challenge. A significant weakness of mine is expecting too much from a painting in progress, way too soon. This happens nearly every time I begin a new piece. If the image doesn't quickly begin to emerge exactly as I think it should, I tend to really beat myself up over it. I'm my own harshest critic. Fortunately as the painting evolves through subsequent passes, and starts to come together, my mood begins to lift. In the end I usually allow myself to feel good about it. 

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Coke: 2nd Completed Commission Piece

oil on canvas
30'' x 30"

Coke is finally done, and it lived up to the "challenge" I anticipated it would be. About a thousand droplets were left out, but I think modified as it is, it still works pretty good. As difficult as this painting was, I did enjoy the process. It got a little tedious towards the end, but all in all it was a good experience. I learned a lot with this one. I also feel that I'm beginning to loose my anxiety about painting larger pieces. In fact it's becoming kind of addictive. My next painting is ready begin, and it will present its own set of problems. Oreo cookies in metallic packaging. The embossing on the cookies will be one of the big challenges on this one. I'll put up an in progress image sometime during the process.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Some Good News & Some Bad News

I think I'll begin with the good news. I got a blurb in the current issue of Southwest Art Magazine. The plug was on the Art Values page. My cyber colleague Chris Stott, and artists Nancy Bea Miller and Lucinda Kasser were also were included on the page. The theme was food inspired paintings. Carol Marine, another cyber friend, and fabulous artist, is featured in this issue on page 79. It's really fun to see your work in a publication!

. . . and now the bad news. My first, and longest running gallery is closing it's doors. Twinhouse will cease to exist November 1st. It had been a long, and fruitful relationship. Karen and I stopped by last week to pick up our remaining paintings, and say farewell. Susan Gibbs and Tiffany Hay were both there, and it was a pretty somber moment. Susan, the owner, had a laundry list of good reasons to move on, so it was understandble. Nonetheless it's sad to see it end. Twinhouse was one, if not the, nicest spaces in the city.

There is a positive side note to the story. There were three other galleries in the city that Karen and I had pondered approaching in the event that Twinhouse were to close. Each of those galleries contacted us the instant the news about Twinhouse reached the grapevine. That was very encouraging. Karen is still weighing the pros and cons, but it looks at this point like I'll be moving to Anne Irwin Gallery. I think it will be a good match.

Commission Update: I should be completing the Coke Bottle today. Tomorrow at the latest. I think it has turned out pretty good. I've been looking at it for so long now, I can't see it objectively. Karen is very enthusiastic about it, so that makes me feel a bit more optomistic. I'll post it in the next few days.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Corporate Commission in Progress: Coke

oil on canvas
30'' x 30"

Well I've been busy working on the second commissioned piece for about six days now. At this point I'm getting close to completing the first pass. I knew when I began this particular composition that the condensation was going to be a challenge. And . . . that has proven to be the case. I've been basically blocking in the position of the larger droplets, leaving the smaller ones to be added in later. When they are all in place, I'll get busy adding in the detail to each drop. Each drop. What was I thinking?! If I can get through this without going blind, it could turn out looking pretty cool.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Chevy Grille

Chevy Grille
oil on canvas
8'' x 8"

In these troubled times I think it's wise to allow oneself a bit of comfort now and then. Something to ease the pain. This week I indulged myself by painting the front end of a 57 Chevy. Five days of pure creative joy. I was in no hurry to finish this one, and savored each minute. Automobiles can be a hard sell, so I don't do them very often. They're a bit like chocolate, a guilty pleasure I allow myself sporadically.

Motts (below) was enthusiastically approved, and I have been given the green light to begin the second painting for the boardroom. I have to admit this new one's got me spooked. If it works out it will probably be my most complex piece to date. A bottle of Coke covered with droplets of condensation. I'm really freaking out. Starting it today. Wish me luck.

To bid on Chevy Grille, click here.

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Motts: 1st Completed Commission Piece

oil on canvas
30'' x 30"

I felt that I could have continued to work on this, but Karen assured me that it was a finished painting. It is often difficult to know when a painting is truly complete. There were areas that I felt I could refine a bit more, but when I really thought about it, I came to the realization that no one would see the extra work except me. So, here's number one. I'll send an email off tomorrow to the liaison working this project, and with fingers crossed, hope for a positive response. Then it's on to number two. Although, I may squeeze an ebay painting in first. I've got another 55 Chevy I'm anxious to do, and would prefer not to have to wait until this project is complete. I'll decide tomorrow.

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Corporate Commission in Progress: Motts

oil on canvas
30'' x 30"

I haven't updated my blog in quite a while, so I thought it would be a good idea to show what I've been up to. This is the first of five 30 x 30 oil paintings I'm doing for a corporate commission. I've been involved with this project for a number of weeks now, working primarily on photography. If you follow my blog you will remember that the first two paintings were rejected. I was assured that this was not a result of their quality, but rather a decision to emphasize different products.

Following numerous committee meetings on the subject, the client has now chosen five products they feel good about. They wanted to show a variety of packaging types, and these single serving apple sauce cups illustrate one of those. So, last week they gave me the thumbs-up, and when I completed my final ebay painting, I started work on this.

At this point I have about four days into the painting, with probably another three to four to go. Working large is still new to me, and so this is slow going. It's good being forced out of my comfort zone, and I'm hoping this experience will send me in a new direction. By that I mean large. All of my galleries at one time or another have asked for larger pieces. I've done a few larger paintings to date, maybe this project will give me the confidence to go there more often.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Stacked Cups

3 Stacked Cups
oil on 1/8'' gesso board
6'' x 6"

A bit of ceramic to finish off the week. I really like the contrast between the soft folds of the linen table cloth, and the hard, creamy, reflective surface of the coffee cups. I've been painting these china cups for years now, trying to capture that wonderful translucence of the fired material. I haven't nailed it yet, but I think I get a little closer each time I attempt it.

I just got the word today that my latest round of compositions for the corporate commission have been approved. A mixed blessing I think. Now I have to actually paint them. I always get nervous when I start on an oversized piece. Hopefully I can get past the apprehension, and have some fun with these. Wish me luck!

To bid on the Stacked Cups click here.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

11 Cherry Goblets

11 Cherry Goblets
oil on 3/8'' gesso board
6'' x 6"

I didn't intend to flood my site with little silver goblets this week, but I had already begun this piece when I added my entry to the White Rabbit group painting (see below). Hopefully it is different enough to avoid looking redundant. I just wanted to add some more cherries into this weeks paintings.
I also wanted to direct your attention to a new blog recently created by my friend Karin Jurick. It's entitled Different Strokes from Different Folks. Each week Karin selects a single photograph, paints it herself, then encourages other artists to create their own version of that image. The site has only been up for two weeks, and the response has been nothing less than staggering. 52 artists participated in the first weeks challenge, and 68 responded in the second week. It's really interesting to see how different artists interpret a specific image. You should check the site out, and possibly take on the challenge your self.
To bid on 11 Cherry Goblets click here.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Fifties Toaster

oil on 1/8'' gesso board
6'' x 6"

I went a little crazy a while back, and bought a bunch of vintage toasters on ebay. These old appliances have a very distinctive, and familiar look, that many of us born before 1970 will remember. I believe these will fit in nicely with my proclivity for reflective subjects. This is my first attempt. I love how the bakelite, and chrome work together. I'm looking forward to doing many more of these in the future. I "think" big these days, and think it could be really cool to do one of these at 40 x 40. When, and if, I can get the corporate commission out of the way, some of these "big" dreams may start to actually materialize. To bid on this painting click here.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Cherry Linen No.2

Cherry Linen No.2
oil on 1/8'' gesso board
6'' x 6"

Karen just got some good news. One of her galleries, Dean Day, is located in Houston Texas. She spoke with the owner today, and fortunately they suffered virtually no damage because of Ike. There is a lot of broken glass, and debris everywhere, but they were untouched. It appears they even have power, and internet access. It was nice to hear that they were okay, and that the art was undamaged.
I've got a couple of cherry paintings this week. It's getting near the end of the season, and wanted to take advantage of the current supply. I'll put up the second later this week. To bid on this painting click here.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Hamilton Beach No. 6

Milkshake Mixer No.6
oil on 1/8'' gesso board
6'' x 6"

With the exception of the White Rabbit group painting (below), I spent the better part of last week working on photography for the, on again, off again corporate commission. Presently, it's back on, and hopefully the compositions I worked up this week will find a home in the boardroom. If things go as planned, I should actually start painting on this project very soon. In the meantime, I've got five new pieces for ebay this week. First off is my favorite appliance. The classic Hamilton Beach Milkshake Mixer. This is model 30 as seen from behind. I wanted to incorporate the cooling vents, and on/off switch which look very cool to me. I also love the mounting plate with that huge screw in the middle. To bid on the auction click here.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

4 Artists - 1 Subject

Candy Goblet by Me

White Rabbits by M. Collier

Wonderland by Jelaine Faunce

Multiplication by Otto Lange

Back in July Jelaine Faunce contacted me about a project she was considering. She thought it would be interesting to select a subject, then have four artists, with a similar style of painting create their unique version of that subject. She and I would make up half of the group, M. Collier and Otto Lange would comprise the other half. If you click on each image it will take you to the artists website or blog. Jelaine describes the entire project in more detail here. White Rabbit candy, a confection from the land of the rising sun was chosen as the subject. Above is the result of our efforts. Each painting is six inches by six inches. The four paintings are offered at action as a group. You can participate in the bidding by clicking here.

Friday, August 29, 2008


oil on pre-primed hardboard panel
6'' x 6"

Dumbo is the last of my outside paintings for this week. I have to say this was without doubt the most fun of this series. Karen and I were driving to Gallery Street to pick up a couple of her new giclee's, and on the way we passed one of those nomadic carnivals that set up in parking lots. I made a mental note to return the next morning, and do some photography. When I got there the delapidated state of most of the rides deflated my hopes for getting any good material. Then I came across the little elephant ride, and cheered up. The elephants were in great shape, with a high gloss finish, and bright colors. In the end I wound up taking a lot of photos of the entire set up, but these little guys were the hit of the party. I think that one of these could eventually wind up as a much larger painting sometime in the future. It would be a hoot to paint one of these really big. If you interested in bidding on this painting, you can access the auction by clicking here.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Big Wheel

Big Wheel
oil on pre-primed hardboard panel
6'' x 6"

Earth moving equipment is another of my favorite subjects, but one that seldom gets much exposure. I suppose it's something with a limited audience, but I think they're amazing looking. Like some great prehistoric creature. The tires, in particular, are a wonderful focal point. I granted myself as much time as I needed on all the pieces being posted this week. It was a luxury, but these compositions were a bit more complicated than much of what I usually do, and I felt they needed that extra time. Plus, they were all such fun to paint. If you are one of that rare breed who can appreciate the beauty of a front end loader, and would like to bid on this painting, you can access the auction by clicking here.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Study for: Spire

oil on masonite panel
6'' x 6"

I've gone outside this week. Fay brought us some dramatic weather, and the lure of the clouds was too strong, so I've returned to my urban landscapes. This subject was a common theme in my early days on ebay, and I've really missed it. Savannah is a great city with beautiful architecture, and my favorite structure there is the french gothic Cathedral of St. John the Baptist. I've painted it a couple of times in the past, and I've been working on a new composition featuring it. The study above is a fragment of the total image I plan to use. It will be a real tour de force in the use of clouds. Intimidating to say the least. I don't have this actually "scheduled" as yet, but the study above has wetted my appetite. I spent more time than usual on this weeks work, consequently there will only three pieces. I'll be back tomorrow with number two. If you'd like to bid on this painting, you can access the auction by clicking here.

Monday, August 18, 2008

57 Chevy Bel Air

57 Bel Air Tail Light
oil on masonite panel
10'' x 10"

I was only able to produce one painting this week. The Bel Air took the better part of four days to complete. Not a very cost effective way of working, but painting this was pure pleasure, and I didn't want to rush it. The 10 x 10 masonite panel it's painted on had been originally prepared for my wife Karens' return to ebay, but the recent flurry in sales of her full sized originals put the kibosh on that plan. So, I decided to use it myself for the Chevy. I had been jonesing to do another auto painting, and figured this would be a good time to get it out of my system. If you'd like bid on this painting you can access the auctions by clicking here.

To see a visual example of the old adage, "great minds think alike", check out Stephen Magsigs' blog entry for August 15. A beautiful rendition of a familiar subject.

Friday, August 08, 2008

Pool Bowl No. 9

Pool Bowl No. 9
oil on mdf panel
6'' x 6"

And finally this week . . . . a bowl of pool balls. - We're off to watch the opening ceremony of the summer Olympics. - If you'd like to bid on this painting you can access the auction by clicking here.

Thursday, August 07, 2008

Vintage Milkshake Mixer No. 5

Hamilton Beach Milkshake Mixer No. 5
oil on pre-primed panel
6'' x 6"

Tonight I'm back to the Hamilton Beach Model 30 Milkshake Mixer, but I've painted it on a new type of panel. Historically I have cut, and primed my own mdf or plywood panels, but this was done on a commercially made product from Dick Blick. I have to say I really like it. It's got a great surface that takes paint nicely, and it comes with a pre-cut slot in the back for hanging.

The price is considerably more than buying one large piece of mdf at the local home store, and cutting it into multiple panels, but it is not unreasonable. I think the next time I'm back at the art supply store, I'll be picking up a few more of these. It wouldn't surprise me, if at some point in the not too distant future, I was using these exclusively for my small paintings. If you'd like to purchase the painting above, you can access the auction by clicking here.

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Balsamic No. 2

Balsamic No. 2
oil on mdf panel
6'' x 6"

My third painting this week is a second interpretation of this little bottle of balsamic vinegar. I wanted to see how much visual information I could pull out of this dark reflective subject. It's a bit like doing the light bulbs, only in reverse. The goal was to convey the inky liquid contained within the glass bottle without losing it in the background color. I got pretty close, but still have a way to go. I see a few more versions of this in my future. If you'd like to bid on this painting you can access the auction by clicking here.

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Cherry Bag No. 2

Cherry Bag No. 2
oil on mdf panel
6'' x 6"

Cherries are my fathers' favorite fruit, and he's suggested that I paint them in a clear plastic bag. This will actually be my second version of this subject. The first was painted for a show at Twinhouse Gallery in Atlanta. Karen and I bought a new batch of cherries just today at COSTCO, and I'll be photographing them prior to their consumption. There is something about a cherry. I can't pin point what that "something" is, but they seem to have a universal appeal. I hope I get some good shots before these wind up on a plate. Those images will have to last me until next season. If you'd like to bid on this painting you can access the auction by clicking here.

Monday, August 04, 2008

Maple Leaves No. 5

Maple Leaves No. 5

oil on mdf panel
6'' x 6"

On a hot and humid summer day it's nice to work on a composition of autumn leaves. This is the Japanese Maple just outside our kitchen, and in the fall it is a site to behold. I've done various incarnations of this theme, but this version has that wonderful blend of yellow to red that really lights up when the leaves are struck by the sunlight. This is the first of five paintings to be listed on ebay this week. If you are interested in bidding on this painting you can access the auction by clicking here.

Saturday, August 02, 2008

Sliced Bread No. 4 - Full Sized on Canvas

Sliced Bread No. 4
oil on canvas
30'' x 30"

I had intended to post this, the second commissioned painting now headed to Stricoff Fine Art Ltd., a couple of days ago, but there was a rather serious glitch in the spam spotting software used by this week. Apparently it (mis) diagnosed practically everyone as a spammer, and blocked our ability to post. Needless to say, for those of us who utilize our blogs not only as a means to connect with art aficionados, and other artists, but as a marketing tool as well, this was a serious problem. Blogger handled the situation in much the same way Apple delt with the iPhone 3G, and Mobile Me fiasco, by ignoring its' supporters while they worked things out. There was nothing on the Blogger site to officially acknowlege the situation, while the support discussion group was flooded with cries for help. Consequently for a number of days we were all in the dark. Today there is a message on the Blogger site admitting to the problem, and assuring everyone that it will be resolved soon. I'm a huge fan of both Blogger and Apple, so my concern with all of this is not the fact that they both had unexpected problems, but with their delay of information provided to those of us who use their service, and depend on it. Technology is a wonderful, but fragile thing.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Fritos: Full-Sized on Canvas

oil on canvas
30'' x 30"

One of the reasons I usually don't take on commissioned work is the near complete loss of creative control that comes with "design by committee". The first two pieces completed for the corporate commission have been rejected for reasons, that from an artists stand point, seem kind of absurd. From the corporate view point, I suppose they may have some validity. I don't have a businsess head, so I don't really get it. For now the commission is still a work in progress. The subject of these paintings is going into round four of discussion amongst the higer-ups. Until they come to a consensus I'll just concentrate on other work. I'm still optomistic that in the end we can come to a resolution that will be acceptable to all. The people there are genuinely nice, and I think it's tough for them, as well, to try and please everyone.

I do think this experience has opened my eyes to new subjects that may have real potential. Hopefully they will provide both appeal for collectors, and on my end, yield a theme that is also a pleasure to paint. Stricoff Fine Art, Ltd. has expressed interest in both of these paintings, and I will be shipping them to New York later this week. I'll post the second painting in a few days. It will be interesting to see how they are received. If they do well I will probably continue to paint some of the compositions originally intended for the commission, and offer them to the galleries.

A side note about technique: I usually obtain my surface material from the Home Depot, 1/4 MDF that I cut, and prep myself, but this week I purchased a commercially made hardboard panel with a canvas like finish. It's produced by Dick Blick, and I'm excited to see how it takes paint. Another plus to this product is that it comes with pre-drilled hole in the back for hanging. It will be used for one of the paintings I'm currently working on for ebay. These will be listed starting monday of next week.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Pool Bowl No. 8

Pool Bowl No. 8
oil on plywood panel
6'' x 6"

I got some good news today. I was accepted into the Daily Paintworks group. A slot came open a little while back, and they asked me if I'd like to place my name for submission. I said I'd love to join, and today was warmly welcomed by the participating artists. The Paintworks is composed of some very talented artists, and I'm extremely proud to even have been considered for inclusion. Thanks all, it's an honor.

The final selection for this weeks ebay paintings is the ubiquitous pool balls. This composition is a fragment from a composition I plan to do larger in the future. The decision of whether that means medium large, or large large, will be determined later. I still plan to do one of these huge one day. I think, if I didn't screw it up, it could be very cool. If you'd like to bid on this piece, you can participate in the auction by clicking here.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Half Perc

Half Perc
oil on plywood panel
6'' x 6"

Painting number four this week is one of my new (old) percolators. New in the sense that I recently aquired it on the internet. ebay is a great place for tracking down props for still lifes. It seems you can find virtually anything your looking for there. Plus it's fun just to look. Scouring their site searching for vintage items can be very satisfying. There's a lot of very cool stuff out there. I went a little crazy a couple of weeks ago in my quest for a classic toaster. I bid on a bunch of them because they were relatively inexpensive. I assumed that I would be outbid on at least a couple. I wound up with five, having won all my auctions. These should start showing up in paintings in the not too distant future. There was one added bonus, they make really good toast. If you'd like to bid on the Percolator, you can participate in the auction by clicking here.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Paper Goblet

Paper Goblet
oil on plywood panel
6'' x 6"

When I purchased this little goblet the shop owner wrapped it in white craft paper. When I got it home, and unwrapped it I thought it looked great sitting within the folds of that paper on our kitchen table. I grabbed my camera, and took a bunch of photos. The goblets came in a group of three. You can see the other two reflected in its' surface, along with the kitchen, and the paper. These tiny silver goblets have such a wonderful shape. They distort the reflected room beautifully. I knew the moment I came across them in the antique store I had found a gem. If you would like to participate in the auction of this painting you can place a bid by clicking here.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Cherries on Linen

Cherries on Linen
oil on plywood panel
6'' x 6"

The morning was spent packaging up a bunch of Karens' paintings that are headed up to Wynne/Falconer Gallery. It's a nice group, and I think she's going to do well there this year. Got back in time to finish up the second pass on this cherry piece. The little hint of fabric in this painting has me itching to do a more elaborate piece incorporating lots of folds. Something to think about. If you'd like to bid on this painting you can access the auction by clicking here.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Onion Bag

Onion Bag
oil on plywood panel
6'' x 6"

I feel like I've been gone for a really long time. The last couple of weeks have been a bit stressful, also fun. Karen and I have been nursing a sick kitty back to health. Our male cat Max had something going on that no one seemed to be able to figure out. Lots of tests, and a few trips to the vet later, and he seems to be his old self once again. Whew! We were sweating there for a while. All the life threatening tests came back negative. It's painful waiting for those results. Anyway, he's back, and apparently good as new.

About the time Max got well my brother Doug came into town from New York. This was the fun part. We only get to see him once or twice a year, so a visit is something special. He was here for only a couple of days, but it was fun to catch up, and hang out. I hated to see him go. Doug, if you happen to read this post, I love you bro. One of these days we need to head up to NYC again, and visit you!

Above is the first of five paintings to be auctioned on ebay this week. I wanted to paint more produce in a plastic bag, and it was a toss up between cherries, or these onions. Since I have another cherry piece going up this week, I opted for the onions. I know these bags are environmentally unsound, but aesthetically they can be very beautiful. Anyone interested in participating in the auction of this painting can place a bid by clicking here.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Bulb Vase No. 3

Bulb Vase No. 3
oil on hardboard panel
6'' x 6"

Here's the final 6 x 6 for this weeks ebay listings. I was in the mood to do some light bulbs again. I'm still trying to figure out how to get that wonderful frosty/glassy quality they possess. I'll be working on a few new pieces for Wynne/Falconer in the next couple of weeks. Karen and I have a show there on July 26th, and I wanted to get more paintings ready for that. I'll post those as they are completed. There's a chance that I'll try, and squeeze some ebay work in the mix too. It depends on how smoothly things go with the show paintings. I'll play it by ear. If you'd like to bid on the painting above you can access the auction by clicking here.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Pool Bowl No. 7

Pool Bowl No. 7
oil on hardboard panel
6'' x 6"

I've got a larger Pool Bowl planned for one of my galleries, and was thinking this composition could be that one. If thist turns out to be the case, then this painting could be considered a study. I have a number of other compositions to choose from also, and may wind up just picking one of them. I never know until have the canvas in my hand, and am ready to begin. If you'd like to bid on this painting you can participate in the auction by clicking here.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Hamilton Beach Mixer No. 2

Hamilton Beach Mixer No. 2
oil on hardboard panel
6'' x 6"

I had such a good time painting this little Hamilton Beach mixer. The more mechanical a subject is, the more I enjoy painting it. I hope this piece will find an audience, because I'd love to paint many more variations. If you'd like to bid on this painting you can participate in the bidding by clicking here.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Cherry Goblet No. 4

Cherry Goblet No. 4
oil on hardboard panel
6'' x 6"

Number two of this weeks ebay offerings. These little goblets are popular, and fun to paint so it's back again. Cherries are back in the stores, so they will probably be a common theme for a while. For those of you who may be interested in bidding on this painting, you can access the auction by clicking here.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Cherry Bowl

Cherry Bowl
oil on plywood panel
6'' x 6"

This is the first of five six by sixers to be listed on ebay this week. I'm finishing up the other four, and will return to the Hamilton Beach mixer when they are complete. I sold one painting at the Affordable Art Fair in New York last week. The big milkshake mixer I posted on May 31st. So . . . I feel pretty comfortable that there will be another one coming up in the not too distant future.

The corporate commission has been on hold for a while. The "higher-ups" are rethinking my original vision. My idea may still survive, but it is currently being discussed. I just have to wait for the marketing manager to make a decision. If I have to modifiy my plan, I'll probably find myself shopping around the first two paintings that are allready complete. I think I could probably find a gallery to take one or both without too much trouble.

If you'd like to take part in the auction for the painting above, you can access the bidding by clicking here.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Pear on the Edge

Pear on the Edge
oil on gallery wrapped canvas
12'' x 16"

Here is the second of the two paintings I got back from one of my galleries. I will offer this for auction, before I begin to shop it around to my other galleries. I've finished the underpainting of the latest mixer painting, but have decided to put it on hold for a week while I work on the next grouping of ebay paintings. I'll return to it when they are completed. I was debating whether or not to post an in progress image. Not sure. I'll just wait and see how I feel about it later in the week. Anyone interested in bidding on the painting above can access the auction by clicking here.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Resting Pear

Resting Pear
oil on gallery wrapped canvas
10'' x 12"

I just got back a couple of paintings from one of my galleries, and decided to offer them at auction on ebay before I began the process of shopping them around. One of the advantages of having multiple galleries is that if a piece doesn't work at one, there's a good chance that it will sell in a different location. I felt, at the completion of both of these, that they were two of my more painterly works, and was very happy with them. For those of you who may be interested in bidding on them, you can access the auction by clicking here.

The new mixer painting is still on the easel, and probably will be for a while. It's turned out to be a big job, but I'm having a good time with it. As I mentioned before, the composition a little odd, but I think it's very cool.

I'm also working on a new group of six by six ebay paintings. Everything is drawn out, and ready to go. If all works out according to schedule the first of the five should go up next monday night.

Friday, June 06, 2008

Pool Bowl No. 6

Pool Bowl No. 6
oil on canvas
6'' x 6"

I'm finishing off this week of auctions with a bowl of pool balls. I think I've said about all there is to say about this particular theme. There will be more. It's the only subject where I get to use all the colors. Tomorrow I'll start on the new mixer for Stricoff Fine Art, Ltd. Can't wait. If you'd like to bid on this painting you can access the auction by clicking here.

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Radio Tube

Radio Tube
oil on canvas
6'' x 6"

Tonights painting has a personal historical significance. My paternal grandfather had a tv and radio repair shop in Decatur Illinois for a number of years. He was also responisible for setting up most of the PA systems in town. If someone needed to speak through a microphone to a crowd in Decatur, it's likely that he was somewhere behind the scenes.

My family lived there briefly in the late 50's, and during that time my dad worked with him. Hollingworth Sound was the name of the shop, and it was a fun place to visit. For one thing, he had his own Coca Cola machine. That was very cool. Five cents for a coke. In a glass bottle. That you returned for money.

Work benches, oscilloscopes, soldering guns, televisions and radios filled every available space. Radio tubes like the one above were everywhere. Even as a kid I appreciated the esthetic beauty of these components. It was exciting to watch them begin to glow as the tv was switched on. I never understood their function, still don't. All I know is that they've pretty much been replaced by transistors. What ever they do.

I thought this could be something that would look really cool . . . huge. At least 30 x 30. I'm not sure. I doubt that many people would have any idea what it was. I'm going to think about it. For those of you who may be interested in bidding on this painting, you can access the auction by clicking here.

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

15 Goblets

15 Goblets
oil on canvas
6'' x 6"

This was done as a study. I've had this image in my "to do" folder for quite some time, but never got around to painting it. I've cropped it here to get a general sense of the composition. The full version would be larger, and contain the all three goblets in a horizontal format. I feel that it works. My favorite aspect of the image is the multiple descending reflections of each goblet in their neighbor. If this is done again in a larger format, I think I could possibly add yet another level of reflection. I doubt if I could achieve that level of detail on canvas, so I would probably have to construct a box with a masonite surface. We'll see. Anyone interested in bidding on this painting, can access the auction by clicking here.