Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Corporate Commission in Progress: Reese's

oil on canvas
30'' x 30"

I usually wait until I get a little further along with a painting before I post an in progress image, but I haven't been painting much recently, and figured I'd better get something up. I hate to let more than a week go by between posts. Since I've done so little on this particular painting I may ultimately have two progress posts. My excuse was a wedding. Our nephew Jason Meyerson was married this past weekend, and we've been occupied with get-togethers, and ceremony for a good part of last week. The wedding went very smoothly, and everyone there had a great time. Jason was really happy, and his bride Alyson looked very beautiful. Jason and Alyson are are sweet couple, and I know they will be extremely happy together. They have that, "made for each other", quality. In addition to the wedding I've also been busy getting Karen's new 24" iMac (an early present to herself) set up. I'm so envious. And if this wasn't enough, I also spent some time getting the house looking "chrismassee". Now it's time to get back to work finishing up the commission, and moving on to more personal paintings.


  1. I wonder if I could eat one that big. Well....maybe not.
    Seriously though, your work is fantastic. I admire your tenacity.

  2. I love seeing work in progress and it will be especially fun to watch this one as Reese's PBC's are my fav..like to eat them frozen. Happy Holidays!

  3. LOL We just got ourselves the 24" iMac as well. I can't imagine going back to the PC now. NO way.

    Reese's was my favorite growing up. Nothing compares to the combined sweet/salty/greasy deliciousness. I have a feeling I might be going on a binge when you post the finished product.

  4. Good to see this in an early stage. It gives us some insight into how you work. Much appreciated. It is a busy time of year and sometimes difficult to get enough easel time. All the best.

  5. James, I just came across your blog, and your work is amazing. I will check back often. Unlike Mary, I am certain I could eat a Reece's Cup that big, absolutely no problem, and most likely in one sitting.
