Monday, August 18, 2008

57 Chevy Bel Air

57 Bel Air Tail Light
oil on masonite panel
10'' x 10"

I was only able to produce one painting this week. The Bel Air took the better part of four days to complete. Not a very cost effective way of working, but painting this was pure pleasure, and I didn't want to rush it. The 10 x 10 masonite panel it's painted on had been originally prepared for my wife Karens' return to ebay, but the recent flurry in sales of her full sized originals put the kibosh on that plan. So, I decided to use it myself for the Chevy. I had been jonesing to do another auto painting, and figured this would be a good time to get it out of my system. If you'd like bid on this painting you can access the auctions by clicking here.

To see a visual example of the old adage, "great minds think alike", check out Stephen Magsigs' blog entry for August 15. A beautiful rendition of a familiar subject.


  1. Beautiful work James, I did a 57 Bel Air this week also, for the Woodward Dream Cruise.
    not quite as tight as yours and not red.
    My mistake.

  2. 2 great artists thinking alike, Hollingsworth & Magsig, same time, same car, different colour, both beautifully painted.
    Wish I had them both, that's not greedy is it?

  3. Now Stephen knows of my extreme interest in cars...first he puts his up, now you've put up something so mouthwatering, how am I supposed to resist!!!!!!!!!!!????????? I LOVE IT!

  4. Simply wonderful work. And you did this in a week???!!!! Oh my, I'll have to paint a lot faster to keep up with you.
    All the best
    April Jarocka

  5. Isn't exciting, the same subject by
    two artists I admire! I like both
    style and colors. Life brings unexpected surprises, and so art does too.

  6. Bravo my man...this is really stunning!

  7. Stunning in every sense of the word....a showstopper!

  8. I'm amazed that you can paint such a great picture in such a short time. Great work!

  9. Nice!
    And what a great perspective.
    Love your work (every one of them!) as always!

  10. Anonymous4:32 AM

    Really nice work James, it's already up to $750. A bit too much for me, otherwise I would bid on it. Keep up the great work!

  11. This kick's butt. Fabulous!

  12. wonderfully sleek! Love it.
