Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Cherry Linen No.2

Cherry Linen No.2
oil on 1/8'' gesso board
6'' x 6"

Karen just got some good news. One of her galleries, Dean Day, is located in Houston Texas. She spoke with the owner today, and fortunately they suffered virtually no damage because of Ike. There is a lot of broken glass, and debris everywhere, but they were untouched. It appears they even have power, and internet access. It was nice to hear that they were okay, and that the art was undamaged.
I've got a couple of cherry paintings this week. It's getting near the end of the season, and wanted to take advantage of the current supply. I'll put up the second later this week. To bid on this painting click here.

1 comment:

  1. I enjoy what you've done with the composition in this one. I love negative space.
