Wednesday, June 04, 2008

15 Goblets

15 Goblets
oil on canvas
6'' x 6"

This was done as a study. I've had this image in my "to do" folder for quite some time, but never got around to painting it. I've cropped it here to get a general sense of the composition. The full version would be larger, and contain the all three goblets in a horizontal format. I feel that it works. My favorite aspect of the image is the multiple descending reflections of each goblet in their neighbor. If this is done again in a larger format, I think I could possibly add yet another level of reflection. I doubt if I could achieve that level of detail on canvas, so I would probably have to construct a box with a masonite surface. We'll see. Anyone interested in bidding on this painting, can access the auction by clicking here.


  1. Anonymous12:57 PM

    I haven't been by for some time....followed the link from Karin J's site. Wow. You are still the master realist . Well done!

  2. This painting definitely "works" no matter what format it is in. Incredibly realistic work.

  3. Anonymous12:32 PM

    Reminds me of an Escher print- if you include yourself in the reflection.
