Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Study for: Spire

oil on masonite panel
6'' x 6"

I've gone outside this week. Fay brought us some dramatic weather, and the lure of the clouds was too strong, so I've returned to my urban landscapes. This subject was a common theme in my early days on ebay, and I've really missed it. Savannah is a great city with beautiful architecture, and my favorite structure there is the french gothic Cathedral of St. John the Baptist. I've painted it a couple of times in the past, and I've been working on a new composition featuring it. The study above is a fragment of the total image I plan to use. It will be a real tour de force in the use of clouds. Intimidating to say the least. I don't have this actually "scheduled" as yet, but the study above has wetted my appetite. I spent more time than usual on this weeks work, consequently there will only three pieces. I'll be back tomorrow with number two. If you'd like to bid on this painting, you can access the auction by clicking here.


  1. It's incredible that you can make something so grand and lofty on such a small support. Amazing little painting.

  2. The urban landscape being my subject of choice, I really like this small study - the architectural detail and especially the light. Very nice indeed!

  3. Neil,
    Love this one. Tremendous composition.

  4. I knew someone who claimed to be the "cloudmeister" of painters...I don't think they had seen your clouds...very nice indeed!

  5. Thanks all! And thank you WH. A comment like that coming from a a true "cloudmeister" such as yourself made my day.
