Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Corporate Commission in Progress: Lay's

oil on canvas
30'' x 30"

I've just completed the first pass on the fourth commissioned painting. My plan is to finish up this, and the last piece by the end of December. I'd really like to get back to gallery work, and ebay. I think I can do it.

There have been rumors of adding more items to this commission. This would give the execs the ability to replace selected paintings in order to highlight specific clients during board meetings. Not a bad idea actually. If this does turn out to be the case, I still think I'll work on other non-commissioned pieces prior to returning to the corporate gig.

Had a good holiday. My brother came in from NYC, and spent a few days with us. While he was here, we went to the King Tut exhibit at the Atlanta Civic Center. That was very cool. I'm a huge fan of Egyptian art. The next day was spent at the Terracotta Warriors exhibit at the High Museum of Art. As amazing as the warriors were, I think the most awe inspiring things I saw at the museum that day were one of Leonardo Da Vinci's notebooks, and Johannes Vermeer's, "The Astronomer". These two completely blew me away.


  1. So, that's what a "first pass" by you looks like...mighty impressive! I really love seeing your beautiful work.

  2. Beautiful, beautiful work. Could you show us your set up with the chips, lights, etc.? I would really love to see that part of the process. I'm going to Atlanta to see the terracotta soldiers in two weeks. I do hope the notebooks and the Vermeer are still there.

  3. After red, blue, now comes yellow!
    Can't wait to have a closer view on this astounding (as usual) painting.

  4. Thanks Dean! Hey Connie, if you'd like to see more of my set-up go to the Sept. 12, 2006 entry of my blog. It has more about my work area. I hadn't picked up on the "RGB" aspect of the last few paintings. Thanks Pierre. I should have this one done next week.

  5. Neil, I did go back to the post on your studio. Thanks. It was a big help. I am always looking for ways to improve my painting studio. So sorry to hear about Twinhouse closing. It was one of my favorites, and I would always go when I was in town. Anne Irwin is also wonderful.
