Monday, July 14, 2008

Onion Bag

Onion Bag
oil on plywood panel
6'' x 6"

I feel like I've been gone for a really long time. The last couple of weeks have been a bit stressful, also fun. Karen and I have been nursing a sick kitty back to health. Our male cat Max had something going on that no one seemed to be able to figure out. Lots of tests, and a few trips to the vet later, and he seems to be his old self once again. Whew! We were sweating there for a while. All the life threatening tests came back negative. It's painful waiting for those results. Anyway, he's back, and apparently good as new.

About the time Max got well my brother Doug came into town from New York. This was the fun part. We only get to see him once or twice a year, so a visit is something special. He was here for only a couple of days, but it was fun to catch up, and hang out. I hated to see him go. Doug, if you happen to read this post, I love you bro. One of these days we need to head up to NYC again, and visit you!

Above is the first of five paintings to be auctioned on ebay this week. I wanted to paint more produce in a plastic bag, and it was a toss up between cherries, or these onions. Since I have another cherry piece going up this week, I opted for the onions. I know these bags are environmentally unsound, but aesthetically they can be very beautiful. Anyone interested in participating in the auction of this painting can place a bid by clicking here.

1 comment:

  1. Your work is wonderful and this one in particular is brilliant. The barely-visible cellophane is perfectly rendered. I love this as I love all of your work. It is such a pleasure to view it.
