Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Paper Goblet

Paper Goblet
oil on plywood panel
6'' x 6"

When I purchased this little goblet the shop owner wrapped it in white craft paper. When I got it home, and unwrapped it I thought it looked great sitting within the folds of that paper on our kitchen table. I grabbed my camera, and took a bunch of photos. The goblets came in a group of three. You can see the other two reflected in its' surface, along with the kitchen, and the paper. These tiny silver goblets have such a wonderful shape. They distort the reflected room beautifully. I knew the moment I came across them in the antique store I had found a gem. If you would like to participate in the auction of this painting you can place a bid by clicking here.


  1. Nice to see you today. Glad I got a chance to tell you how much I admire your chairs hanging from the rafter piece.

  2. I check in almost daily to see what you have been painting. I am just totally in awe of your oils. How long does it take for you to do one of these 6x6's?

  3. Thanks you guys. Sorry it took so long to respond to your question woolmoon. Each painting takes usually two passes. The under painting usually takes between 4 to 6 hours. The second pass usually takes from 3 to 5 hours depending upon the complexity of the composition.
