Friday, July 18, 2008

Pool Bowl No. 8

Pool Bowl No. 8
oil on plywood panel
6'' x 6"

I got some good news today. I was accepted into the Daily Paintworks group. A slot came open a little while back, and they asked me if I'd like to place my name for submission. I said I'd love to join, and today was warmly welcomed by the participating artists. The Paintworks is composed of some very talented artists, and I'm extremely proud to even have been considered for inclusion. Thanks all, it's an honor.

The final selection for this weeks ebay paintings is the ubiquitous pool balls. This composition is a fragment from a composition I plan to do larger in the future. The decision of whether that means medium large, or large large, will be determined later. I still plan to do one of these huge one day. I think, if I didn't screw it up, it could be very cool. If you'd like to bid on this piece, you can participate in the auction by clicking here.


  1. Congratulations, I've purchased work from that site and I love the variety of styles that are reprsented there.


  2. The reflections in these pool balls are really something. There are a few windows back cool to really look.


  3. Gawd !!! i love the way the light shines in ur u ever do pencil or charcoal??? i would like to see some of them on ur blog...maybe something from your old collections :)

  4. These pool balls are always such successful subject matter for you, nicely painted.

  5. Man, I wish I could paint still life like you do. Very, very good realization of the way light bounces around and off of complex surfaces.

  6. Thanks everyone - I hope peoples enthusiasm for this subject continues, because I really like painting them.
