oil on hardboard panel
6'' x 6"
My wife Karen is a master when it comes to painting paper bags. I've watched her work on them, and marveled at how she "carves" out each facet of those ocher jewels. So, I'm attempting them again, on a much smaller scale. I loved this particular composition, because so much of subject was in shadow. And that blast of light with it's reflection on the oak table, blew me away.
Your work stands out immediately in the Daily painters Blog and I just wanted to say, it is fascinating work.
I love everything you do but this one is my favorite of all so far. Love the high contrasts.
Thanks all! I really appreciate the wonderful comments.
This is a lovely painting of such a mundane object...
The glowing colors of the paper is so vivid it looks like bronze! I look at a paper bag and see dullness, but you've made it look extraordinary to me.
How can paper bags become beautiful sculptures, in a painting no less? Just great!
I'm new to the blog world and while exploring around I came across your site. I find your work very intriguing and will visit regularly.
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