oil on hardboard panel
6'' x 6''
I picked up three of these glass spheres at a local antiques store a while back. They've been laying around the house for a long time, and I've never done anything with them. The pool balls I painted recently got me juiced up to paint more spheres, so I grabbed my camera, and fired off a few shots. You can see me in the center. I love painting glass.
You are amazing. A hero with a brush. I'm in awe, and constantly inspired.
This is obscenely good.
Amazing detail!
Incredible! Stopped me in my tracks. Just wonderful!
Thanks everyone! I appreciate it.
Just want to say that I have always admired your work. This piece is amazing and continues the tradition of jaw-dropping art.
This is one of those that makes, commands you to stop and look... really look. Well done!
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