Thursday, September 18, 2008

11 Cherry Goblets

11 Cherry Goblets
oil on 3/8'' gesso board
6'' x 6"

I didn't intend to flood my site with little silver goblets this week, but I had already begun this piece when I added my entry to the White Rabbit group painting (see below). Hopefully it is different enough to avoid looking redundant. I just wanted to add some more cherries into this weeks paintings.
I also wanted to direct your attention to a new blog recently created by my friend Karin Jurick. It's entitled Different Strokes from Different Folks. Each week Karin selects a single photograph, paints it herself, then encourages other artists to create their own version of that image. The site has only been up for two weeks, and the response has been nothing less than staggering. 52 artists participated in the first weeks challenge, and 68 responded in the second week. It's really interesting to see how different artists interpret a specific image. You should check the site out, and possibly take on the challenge your self.
To bid on 11 Cherry Goblets click here.


Anonymous said...

Hi James,

Just stumbled across your blog. I am really enjoying your work. Very impressive. Keep up the amazing work.

RobCarey said...

Amazing work. Wow. Very fun to see the subjects you've chosen too.

Anonymous said...
