Saturday, June 04, 2011

Tin Top

Tin Top - 16 x 20 - oil on panel

The last of the small paintings is complete, and now I'm fully devoted to the one large painting for the Tree's Place show. Its' dimensions are 40 x 40, so it's not really big, but by comparison it will definitely stand out. The process has begun, as it does with all my paintings, with the nagging voice in the back of my head, "can I do this?". So far I've got the right wing tip started, and today I'll get going on the engine nacelle. My drop dead, you have to stop painting, this is it, date it has to be done is June 17. That gives me two weeks, so I should have plenty of time. Once it's finished, then I'll relax.


  1. Another great objet d'art.

  2. Anonymous6:00 PM

    Toy paintings are fast becoming a favorite subject of mine! I chose this one as my 'pick' today on Rosa's Picks. I hope you'll come by and check it out! Thanks, Rosa

  3. haven't see this toy since I was a little kid....nice painting and nice subject choice!


  4. I'm such a fan of the contrast of bright bold color against that dark background. Such restraint too.

