Saturday, June 11, 2011

American Art Collector

Karin Jurick gets a monthly online copy of American Art Collector magazine, and was kind enough to send me a couple of screen shots of my two pages in the July issue. Last time I checked it hadn't reached the news stands, so it was nice to see how they had put it together. Joshua Rose did a good job of translating our interview. I can't wait to get a hard copy in my hands.

The B-25 for the Tree's Place Show is still in the first pass phase. I'm hoping to have that first layer done in the next two to three days, then start in on the final pass. When that's dry, some varnish, a big box, and the last group of paintings will be on their way up to Cape Cod.


  1. I'm a new follower of your beautiful work, so maybe I missed this discussion back in July... I'm curious if being featured in the American Art Collection magazine has generated many sales. I've always wondered that about art magazines (how beneficial they are to the artist), and also if you originally submitted your work for review-- if yes, how long before they replied.

    Thanks and congratulations on the feature!


  2. I'd like to point out to them that you also portray the EXTRAordinary, such as the Pancheto.

  3. Hey Danielle, I'll let you know if it generates any sales after the show runs its' course in July. This was submitted to AAC by Tree's Place Gallery to coincide with the show.

  4. Your work is astounding!!! I just love it! I saw your work in American Art Collector!! You are a true inspiration for me and my artistic journey.
