Monday, May 30, 2011

White Bread

White Bread - 10 x 30 - oil on canvas

I've got my final paintings for Tree's Place in rotation. The large B-25 has a lot of sky in it, which means a vast gradation of blues. It's in the drying stage prior to adding in the plane. Another painting is drawn out and ready to begin, and while all that was going on I did this loaf of bread. Karen is a real fan of my bread paintings, and she insisted that I had to have a full loaf, wrapped in plastic, for this show. I wasn't sure I wanted to go in that direction, but she was persistent, and now that it's complete I'm glad I did.


  1. Good to the last crumb!

  2. James, I always love these loaves of bread. Once again capturing the beauty in an oh so everyday item.

  3. I'll have a slice of that . . .

    Well done Neil, I've always loved your loaves of bread . . . scrumptious.

  4. Anonymous6:36 PM

    I can hear that cellophane wrapper as I open it to make a pb&j!

  5. I love the trompe l'oeil effects of your paintings. The reflections and shadows are dead on. Beautiful work.
