Saturday, May 21, 2011

Discovery No.2

Discovery No.2 - 16 x 20 - oil on panel

I painted a composition similar to this for a corporate commission a couple of years ago, and really wanted to visit it again. I've got over a hundred photos of these items in various configurations, and it seemed a waste to only use one, so here's another. This will be joining Coke Classic at the Tree's Place show in July.

I talked with Julie at Tree's Place a little while back, and she said that they will be doing an article and full-page ad in the July issue of American Art Collector magazine. Very generous of them, and very cool. Karen and I shared an article in AAC back in 2007 when we had a joint show at Wynne/Falconer Gallery, also on Cape Cod. I have to admit, I'm very excited about this!

The canvas is prepped and ready to go for the one large piece I'll be sending to the show. An alternate version of the B-25 I did for Mason Murer Fine Art. It's an interesting crop, and I'm looking forward to getting started on it. If it works out time wise, I'll put up an in progress shot.


  1. Fascinating and unique still life - probably one of my favorites to date!

  2. Question.... I have been trying to find a rock/fossil like the one in this painting for MONTHS. where did you find one?!?!?!?!

  3. Anonymous11:46 PM

    Fabulous painting! I love the composition. I chose it as my favorite painting today on I hope you'll come by and check it out! Thanks, Rosa

  4. Thanks all. Julie, I'm not sure where it came from. It was a gift to me on my birthday, years and years ago. If you do a Google search for Green River Fish it will bring up a number of dealers for these fossil fish.

  5. Neil, I really like this composition. Absolutely lovely.

    For Julie. I believe that is a Green River fossil from Wyoming. There are many people online selling them plus most fossil or rock stores have them.

  6. I have been following your blog for sometime. Your work is fabulous but this painting just took me in. I love it.

  7. I know almost everyone is commenting on your subject choice for this painting, but I have to throw in my own praise as well. I love these items together. I'm going to look for similar subjects myself.

  8. I'm always interested in your subject matter, it's never boring.

  9. I think you got the objects spot on, a great match

  10. I love this collection of objects. Very interesting. Fossils & beetles & magnifying glasses, oh my!
