9 x 7 oil on hardboard
I was recently approached by Steve Worthington to participate in a project he was putting together to raise funds for animal shelters. Steve is an awesome sculptor, who creates wonderful bronze animals. You should check out his site, and look for his Sumo Toads their fantastic. His idea was to approach a number of artists (I think he was looking for about 20) to paint some of his mice, then those paintings would be assembled into a book, the proceeds of which would be donated to support animal shelters. So far I've seen the contributions of Michael Naples (scroll to post April 3), Carol Marine (scroll to post April 28), Jelaine Faunce and Jeff Hayes, and they are all terrific. The painting above is my contribution. I didn't give it a title, but the name of the mouse is Nosey. When the book is complete, I'll put up another post with all the information pertaining to it. I can't wait to see all of the other paintings. Hope it raises a lot of cash for the critters.
Awesome! this is such a fun project, and you're all doing such superb work (as always). Love your contribution.
Thanks so much again, you hit a home run with that one!
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