Monday, February 15, 2010

Return for Deposit

16 x 20 oil on hardboard
After two weeks, I've finally completed the full version of the Coca Cola bottles. I knew when I did the study I would attempt the composition larger in order to delve more deeply into that wonderful Coke colored glass. It didn't fully satisfy that urge, and I'm anxious to begin another variation of this subject. I picked up another of those terrific Dick Blick studio mounted hardboard panels this weekend for just that purpose. Before I return to that, I've got to get busy on another line up of ebay paintings for next week. As soon as those are done I'm back to those bottles. I haven't made up my mind as to where I'm going to send this as yet. I may just hang onto it for a while before I make that decision.
Update: Stricoff Fine Art, Ltd. called today, and requested that I send this piece to them. Michel and I had a nice talk, and I will be shipping this to them sometime early next week.


  1. this is my favorite work of yours so far .

  2. Neil, this is so great! I think it's my favorite of yours too. Looking forward to version 2.......

  3. I love this. It's beautiful.

  4. This is a tour de force Neil, you have captured everything to perfection (are you a sadist painting all that glass???), I gotta say that it's one of my all time faves too!!!!

  5. This looks so real!!


  6. This is just brilliant! The glass effect is amazing!! Great work!
