Sunday, February 21, 2010

Karen: the cover Art Galleries & Artists of the South

Karen has one of her paintings on the cover of Art Galleries & Artists of the South this month. The publisher emailed her a little while back to say that they had an image of hers they really liked, and wanted permission to use it for the cover. It took about a second to respond with a "yes". They did a very good job with the printing, the reproduction was a spot on match to the original.
I've been working on a new group of ebay paintings, the first of which should be posted tomorrow evening. It's a good batch, I think. Once they're all up, I'm heading back to the Coke bottles. I want to paint more of that terrific glass.


  1. Wow, what a great painting. I'm off to discover Karen...

  2. Yay Karen! I'm very proud of both of you.

  3. Awesome! Love the painting!
