Friday, February 05, 2010

Half Loaf No.2

5.5 x 5.5 oil on hardboard
. . . and a loaf of bread to finish off the week. I really enjoy painting bread, and Karen has made it clear to me that I, "should always have a bread painting in the works". This half loaf composition with the plastic bag is a favorite of mine. I love that serpentine line that runs the length of the loaf. It's not clearly evident in this image, but there are a lot of subtle colors, and textures in this piece. I'm attempting to work more color into my paintings. In my pre-oil days, when I worked in watercolor and colored pencil, there was much more color in my work. For some reason, when I switched to oil my palette became more muted. Now I'm trying to bring back that variety of color. It's a glacially slow process, but I'm getting there. If you'd like to bid on this painting, you can access the auction by clicking here.


  1. What a fantastic painting- you've moved bread to a whole new level!

  2. James!

    The composition is so unique! I don't think I've ever seen bread painted in its orginal packaging before.

    The plastic looks slick and shiny too!

    Great job on this!


  3. I absolutely love the subtlety of color, it's gorgeous.

  4. I love the design in this piece, Neil! Good stuff.

  5. very nice design and composition. Love how you used the wrapping.

  6. brilliant!

    (as ALWAYS!)


    (ACA Director 2006)

  7. simply great - now i know why i like bread
