Thursday, February 04, 2010

Study: Return for Deposit

5.5 x 5.5 oil on hardboard
I mentioned in an earlier post this week that I use two methods of cropping photographs as source material for paintings. This piece represents the second technique. I used a small portion of the image I was considering for a larger painting. The full composition contains the entire 8 pack of Coke. I commonly offer these studies for ebay, then based on the popularity of the auction, make the final decision to go on and paint a more elaborate rendition. I jumped the gun a little on this one. I liked this completed "study" enough to go ahead, and begin the larger painting. It's a chancy move, but it's going pretty well, and I'm very happy with it so far. If you'd like to take part in the auction you can bid by clicking here.


  1. Wonderful painting! I'm very impressed with the writing and all it's distortions behind the glass. I painted a only part of the lettering on a coke can yesterday and that wore me out...your dedication to detail is an inspiration! Keep up the great work!

  2. This is so, so, SO good, James!

    Unbelievably realistic looking for such a small painting!

