Mug & Perc
oil on canvas
12'' x 12"
12'' x 12"
I mentioned in a previous post that I had done some bartering with my nephew/dentist for some dental work. This is my half of the bargain. Jason, and his partners are in the process of moving into their new office (a very impressive space) and he asked for one of my reflective percolators to hang above the coffee station that will be included in the waiting area. I completed it a few days ago, and will be sending him an image of it today. Hope he likes it.
After I completed the painting above, I began a really big (really big for me) pool ball painting. The dimensions of the canvas are 24 x 24. Each of the balls is about 14 inches in diameter. It's a strange experience, painting them that size. Essentially six times larger than my traditional compositions. I have to say, it looks kind of cool. Karen really loves it. It will take some time to complete, so I'll be putting up some "in progress" images. I'll post the first image tomorrow.
WOW and double WOW. Not only is your work wonderful, but you know a dentist with REAL art in his office. Congratulations to both of you!
Neil Hi - just joined this blogging thing. Trying to get into my art again after many years. Your work is astounding - well done. I love it.
Michael Murphy
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