Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Honey Chair

Honey Chair
oil on panel
6'' x 6"

My schedule needed some modifying this week. I had been working on a larger piece for Anne Irwin Fine Art, but it needed extra drying time because of the quantity of red in the painting. I decided to get started on a small painting I was planning for my nephew, and now my new dentist, as a trade off for some (beautiful) dental work he had done for me. Karen and I are both contributing art for his groups new office space as payment for dentistry. What a great idea - bartering. Anyway, the first pass on that painting was completed before the AIFA piece was ready, so I figured I'd go ahead, and get busy on some ebay paintings.
Karen and I found this little chair in an antique shop here in town, and we both fell in love with its shape and honey colored finish, hence the title. Karen has painted it numerous times. This particular composition was "discovered" as I passed one of the bedrooms at Anna's Veranda, the victorian home we rented at Inlet Beach Florida back in February. The chair had been placed there the day before, and I came across this scene the following morning, just as the sun was clearing the horizon. I grabbed my camera, and started firing off shots. If you'd like to bid on this painting, you can take part in the auction by clicking here.


  1. Great little painting!

  2. This is amaaaaaaaaaaazing, i can appreciate every moment u spent on making such a creation :)
