Thursday, July 16, 2009


oil on panel
6'' x 6"

Viewing Karin Juricks recent set of blog posts, with her paintings of bucolic Lancaster Pennsylvania, and its famous population of Amish residents, got me in the mood to paint some livestock. It's no secret that I love painting cows, so I dug into my archive of photos searching for a suitable image. Years ago my dad had arranged for Karen and I to visit the University of Georgia's school of animal husbandry for the soul purpose of photographing their cows. We had a great time that day, just walking around the fields surrounded by these beautiful animals. This image came from that visit. I was specifically looking for a composition that had the cow looking directly at me. I thought this was a good one. If you'd like to bid on this painting you can access the auction by clicking here.

1 comment:

  1. I love it Niel, the bright colors contrast with the beautiful work you've done on the subtleties. I hope you do more.
