Thursday, July 09, 2009


I got an email this morning informing me that my work had been featured on an art blog called PaintBlog. I followed link, and then spent the next hour delving into its' archives. The site is run by Canadian artist Eric Cator. The piece below is one of his urban landscapes titled Alicia Motel. His spartan landscapes, and rooftops are outstanding.

Alicia Motel by Eric Cator
acrylic on wood
16'' x 16"

His site features a different artist each day. The post contains an image, and a brief subjective bit of text, which also includes links to the featured artist's site, and/or blog. The archives go back to January of 2008, and in the limited time I've spent on the site so far, I've already discovered a number of artists I'm anxious to add to my list. This is a well crafted site, and is a welcome addition to my list of other artists sites, such as Charlie Parker's Lines and Colors, Katherine Tyrrell's Making A Mark, and Artist A Day.
I'm approaching the finish line on the second PB&J slated for the fall show at Anne Irwin Fine Art. It should be complete in the next couple of days. After that I'll be working on another group of six by six ebay pieces, and then back to gallery work.


  1. All the best getting to the finish line...I wish I could see the show in the flesh.

  2. Thank you for the incredibly kind words! I should mention that my post inspired a fellow blogger to feature your work as well:

    Keep up the inspiring work!

  3. Amazing! I'm so blown away by all of your pieces. I would really love to see a post in which you describe your painting process and methods if you'd be willing to share! I think a lot of others would probably be interested as well.
