Monday, July 28, 2008

Fritos: Full-Sized on Canvas

oil on canvas
30'' x 30"

One of the reasons I usually don't take on commissioned work is the near complete loss of creative control that comes with "design by committee". The first two pieces completed for the corporate commission have been rejected for reasons, that from an artists stand point, seem kind of absurd. From the corporate view point, I suppose they may have some validity. I don't have a businsess head, so I don't really get it. For now the commission is still a work in progress. The subject of these paintings is going into round four of discussion amongst the higer-ups. Until they come to a consensus I'll just concentrate on other work. I'm still optomistic that in the end we can come to a resolution that will be acceptable to all. The people there are genuinely nice, and I think it's tough for them, as well, to try and please everyone.

I do think this experience has opened my eyes to new subjects that may have real potential. Hopefully they will provide both appeal for collectors, and on my end, yield a theme that is also a pleasure to paint. Stricoff Fine Art, Ltd. has expressed interest in both of these paintings, and I will be shipping them to New York later this week. I'll post the second painting in a few days. It will be interesting to see how they are received. If they do well I will probably continue to paint some of the compositions originally intended for the commission, and offer them to the galleries.

A side note about technique: I usually obtain my surface material from the Home Depot, 1/4 MDF that I cut, and prep myself, but this week I purchased a commercially made hardboard panel with a canvas like finish. It's produced by Dick Blick, and I'm excited to see how it takes paint. Another plus to this product is that it comes with pre-drilled hole in the back for hanging. It will be used for one of the paintings I'm currently working on for ebay. These will be listed starting monday of next week.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Pool Bowl No. 8

Pool Bowl No. 8
oil on plywood panel
6'' x 6"

I got some good news today. I was accepted into the Daily Paintworks group. A slot came open a little while back, and they asked me if I'd like to place my name for submission. I said I'd love to join, and today was warmly welcomed by the participating artists. The Paintworks is composed of some very talented artists, and I'm extremely proud to even have been considered for inclusion. Thanks all, it's an honor.

The final selection for this weeks ebay paintings is the ubiquitous pool balls. This composition is a fragment from a composition I plan to do larger in the future. The decision of whether that means medium large, or large large, will be determined later. I still plan to do one of these huge one day. I think, if I didn't screw it up, it could be very cool. If you'd like to bid on this piece, you can participate in the auction by clicking here.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Half Perc

Half Perc
oil on plywood panel
6'' x 6"

Painting number four this week is one of my new (old) percolators. New in the sense that I recently aquired it on the internet. ebay is a great place for tracking down props for still lifes. It seems you can find virtually anything your looking for there. Plus it's fun just to look. Scouring their site searching for vintage items can be very satisfying. There's a lot of very cool stuff out there. I went a little crazy a couple of weeks ago in my quest for a classic toaster. I bid on a bunch of them because they were relatively inexpensive. I assumed that I would be outbid on at least a couple. I wound up with five, having won all my auctions. These should start showing up in paintings in the not too distant future. There was one added bonus, they make really good toast. If you'd like to bid on the Percolator, you can participate in the auction by clicking here.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Paper Goblet

Paper Goblet
oil on plywood panel
6'' x 6"

When I purchased this little goblet the shop owner wrapped it in white craft paper. When I got it home, and unwrapped it I thought it looked great sitting within the folds of that paper on our kitchen table. I grabbed my camera, and took a bunch of photos. The goblets came in a group of three. You can see the other two reflected in its' surface, along with the kitchen, and the paper. These tiny silver goblets have such a wonderful shape. They distort the reflected room beautifully. I knew the moment I came across them in the antique store I had found a gem. If you would like to participate in the auction of this painting you can place a bid by clicking here.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Cherries on Linen

Cherries on Linen
oil on plywood panel
6'' x 6"

The morning was spent packaging up a bunch of Karens' paintings that are headed up to Wynne/Falconer Gallery. It's a nice group, and I think she's going to do well there this year. Got back in time to finish up the second pass on this cherry piece. The little hint of fabric in this painting has me itching to do a more elaborate piece incorporating lots of folds. Something to think about. If you'd like to bid on this painting you can access the auction by clicking here.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Onion Bag

Onion Bag
oil on plywood panel
6'' x 6"

I feel like I've been gone for a really long time. The last couple of weeks have been a bit stressful, also fun. Karen and I have been nursing a sick kitty back to health. Our male cat Max had something going on that no one seemed to be able to figure out. Lots of tests, and a few trips to the vet later, and he seems to be his old self once again. Whew! We were sweating there for a while. All the life threatening tests came back negative. It's painful waiting for those results. Anyway, he's back, and apparently good as new.

About the time Max got well my brother Doug came into town from New York. This was the fun part. We only get to see him once or twice a year, so a visit is something special. He was here for only a couple of days, but it was fun to catch up, and hang out. I hated to see him go. Doug, if you happen to read this post, I love you bro. One of these days we need to head up to NYC again, and visit you!

Above is the first of five paintings to be auctioned on ebay this week. I wanted to paint more produce in a plastic bag, and it was a toss up between cherries, or these onions. Since I have another cherry piece going up this week, I opted for the onions. I know these bags are environmentally unsound, but aesthetically they can be very beautiful. Anyone interested in participating in the auction of this painting can place a bid by clicking here.