Pool Bowl No.5
oil on plywood panel
6'' x 6"
I've returned once again to one of my favorite subjects. I don't know what more I can say about this particular theme, other than I get a huge amount of pleasure from painting these colorful spheres. Plus, there's something very appealing about composing them in a glass bowl. At least for me that is. I especially love the distortion imparted by the ridges in the bowl.
Even though it's a small painting, and please excuse my enthusiasm for my own work, but I think this could be one of my favorite incarnations of this theme. I'm very happy with it. I spent an unacceptable amount of time on it, hence the inflated reserve price I've placed on it for ebay, but it seemed to be going in a good direction, so I just went with it.

Paper Doll by Jeanie Tomanek
oil / collage
36'' x 48"
Karen and I are heading into town this evening to attend the opening night reception at Mason Murer Gallery promoting our friend, and awsome artist Jeanie Tomanek. It's a group show which includes Jeanie, and two other artists. One of the other artists is James McLaughlin Way. A man Karen and I bow down to in most humble admiration. His huge landscape paintings, literally leave me speechless.

Anvil No. 9 by James McLaughlin Way
oil on canvas
84'' x 72"
That's it for now. If I have enough time I may be able to complete the under painting of the second commissioned piece today. We will have to quit early today to make the show, so it may not be completed until tomorrow. In any case it's currently looking as though I may be able to finish it within seven days. My original goal for each of these large paintings. Anyone who is interested in bidding on Pool Bowl No. 5 can link to the auction by clicking here.
Even though it's a small painting, and please excuse my enthusiasm for my own work, but I think this could be one of my favorite incarnations of this theme. I'm very happy with it. I spent an unacceptable amount of time on it, hence the inflated reserve price I've placed on it for ebay, but it seemed to be going in a good direction, so I just went with it.

Paper Doll by Jeanie Tomanek
oil / collage
36'' x 48"
Karen and I are heading into town this evening to attend the opening night reception at Mason Murer Gallery promoting our friend, and awsome artist Jeanie Tomanek. It's a group show which includes Jeanie, and two other artists. One of the other artists is James McLaughlin Way. A man Karen and I bow down to in most humble admiration. His huge landscape paintings, literally leave me speechless.

Anvil No. 9 by James McLaughlin Way
oil on canvas
84'' x 72"
That's it for now. If I have enough time I may be able to complete the under painting of the second commissioned piece today. We will have to quit early today to make the show, so it may not be completed until tomorrow. In any case it's currently looking as though I may be able to finish it within seven days. My original goal for each of these large paintings. Anyone who is interested in bidding on Pool Bowl No. 5 can link to the auction by clicking here.
All your latest 6x6 all fantastic, and I have to admit, much better visually than the paintings you had in your latest show - possibly because of the composition & colors.
The artists you've mentioned here are incredible. And you're pool bowl? Is there anything you can't do?
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