Friday, July 06, 2007

Karin Jurick

My friend Karin Jurick is having a show at her gallery 16 Patton in Asheville North Carolina this weekend. It's going to be an impressive collection of paintings. She's been working hard these last couple of months, and the body of work reflects that effort. I think this collection includes some of her best paintings to date.

I am so humbled by her talent. I am hoping that she will one day receive the national attention her paintings deserve. Her brush work, color sense, and compositions are unparalleled. As beautiful as these images are on screen, you have to see them in the flesh to appreciate them fully. They are like little jewels. There is no hesitation in her work. Each brush stroke, position of every element, and choice of each color is deliberate, and perfect. Karin knows exactly what she's doing. She's an awesome talent.

My wife Karen, and I bought a small painting of hers through an ebay auction a couple of years ago, and since we lived in the same town Karin delivered the painting to us at our home. We've been close friends since that day.

This show is predominantly figurative pieces, but includes a group of small paintings of dogs that are wonderful. Seventeen of her paintings have already been sold, illustrating how popular her work is, and righly so. It would not be surprising if the show is a sell-out. I'm proud to call her my friend. If you'd like to see more of her work you can visit her website and her painting blog by clicking here.


  1. Thank you for all this Neil - and I want others to know that you and Karen have been a huge influence on me and I appreciate what you teach me and for your support. And for driving 200 miles to come to the show. You rock.

  2. James,
    Thank you for introducing me to Karin's work. It was really good to see some her superb pieces. I liked your work and style a lot too...

  3. Neil - thanks for leading me to watch out for Karen posting about her show. I'm blogging this post on my weekly round-up (15th July) as part of a small section of developing a body of work and showing it in an exhibition.

  4. I've really enjoyed discovering your blog over the past couple of weeks, and was delighted to see this post about Karin Jurick. I came across her blog page a couple of months ago, and I've checked it daily ever since!

  5. I have been following Karin's work on a daily basis for quite some time and love every one of her paintings. She makes painting look effortless!

  6. Thank you for your information,I really like it .

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