Sunday, July 22, 2007


oil on gallery wrap canvas
10'' x 12"

I've been under a bit of a crunch these last few weeks. Hence the lack of posts showing new work. Karen and I are scheduled to have a show at Wynne/Falconer gallery on Cape Cod in early September. Normally that would have given us around ten weeks to get paintings ready, but Kenny the owner altered the scenario a bit when he informed us that he had arranged to have an article about us in American Art Collector Magazine. When we were contacted by the magazine they let us know that they needed images of art, relating to the show, by the 23rd of July at the latest. Yikes!

So, we've been busy getting some pieces done for the show/article. I emailed my images this morning, and am hoping the files arrive at their office on time, and uncorrupted. I'm posting these images earlier than I would prefer, but it's been a long time since I've shown anything new, and decided, "what the hell".

The magazine is supposed to be contacting us for an interview soon. At this point, it still feels a bit, "iffy", but we're optomistic that it will actually happen. Hopefully, by the next post, we will have heard from them again, and know more about whether the article will be published, and in which issue. We're keeping our fingers crossed.

If you're interested in a pre-show purchase of this painting you can contact the gallery by clicking here. Wynne/Falconer has asked me to make it clear that any painting purchased prior to the show must remain in the gallery for the duration of the show.


  1. The upside to the mad rush being you have your work done in advance and have the breathing room to maybe add more or start working on another venture at your leisure.

    Great work. I look forward to seeing the article!

  2. Anonymous4:43 PM


    I actually discovered your friend, Karin Jurick's work in American Art Collector so it should be great exposure for you. I had just returned from Paris empty handed, saw Karin's painting of Caillebotte's Paris In The Rain on view at the Art Institute in Chicago and bought it sight unseen. Now that I have read your description of her work, I'm even more excited to receive the piece here in Oregon. Your work is excellent and I hope you have a terrific show.
