Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Cherry Pear

oil on hardboard panel

6'' x 6"


I've only got one new ebay piece this week. I'm working on a pear painting for the galleries, and I wanted to do a study of that particular pear for auction. The gallery piece won't have a cherry, but I thought the two went nicely together. The overall mood of the larger painting will be the same as this smaller version, and that was my intention. To attempt a more muted atmosphere than I usually portray. I think it works. If you're interested in bidding on this painting you can do so by clicking here.


  1. Yes it works beautifully.

  2. Yes the two do go nicely together. It's like 'a companionable silence'. There's your title, if you don't have one yet.

  3. I think you've done an amazing job here. The muted pallet did make me aware that this piece is different in some way than your body of work posted in this blog. Nice subtle mood and feeling.

    It's fun to watch you turn out these little masterpieces. Thanks for sharing.

  4. You are just so, so, so, so, so, so good!!!
