Thursday, July 26, 2007

Ice Water

oil on gallery wrap canvas
16'' x 20"

Here's another of the finished paintings for the show at Wynne/Falconer gallery in September. I hadn't painted glass in a while, and this water jug is a great subject. I especially like the way it fogs up when it's filled with ice water. This particular piece incorporates a number of favorite themes. One is the use of ice cubes. These are more like ice hemispheres, since they came from the ice maker in the frige, but I still enjoy trying to create that "ice" look.

Another object I've recently added to my repertoire is the aluminum drinking glass. I purchased a set of these colorful metal glasses sometime ago on ebay, placed them in the cabinet, and promptly forgot about them. They were recently re-discovered, and this is my second painting utilizing them. I hope they prove to be popular, because they're fun to paint. If you're interested in a pre-show purchase of this painting you can contact the gallery by clicking here. Wynne/Falconer has asked me to make it clear that any painting purchased prior to the show must remain in the gallery for the duration of the show.

I have some good news about the article in American Art Collector magazine. Karen and I were contacted yesterday by the editor for our interview. I have to say that talking about myself is not something that comes easily, but the editor was very nice, and said that he felt it went well. He stated that they were hoping to use seven images of our paintings in the article, and that it will be in the September issue. That means it should be in the newsstands in late August. Karen and I are, understandably very excited.

The day it comes out we will be buying multiple copies, and there will definitey be a post on this blog.


  1. Anonymous4:32 PM

    Absolutely Stunning, YOU'RE MY HERO!

    Alvin Richard

  2. I saw this piece from the link on your website yesterday, and it is my favorite of the whole series. Of course, it would be, as I am such a huge fan of glass, water and the color blue in my own work. Great job!

  3. Er...I mean, I am such a huge fan of PAINTING glass, water and the color blue in my own work. Big fan of glass, water and blue. Not a big fan of my own work. (hits forehead)

  4. I can almost taste the chill - fabulous work.

  5. Great work and congratulations on securing that interview!!

  6. beautiful painting and congrats!

  7. Another terrific painting, Neil, and great news about your feature too!

  8. I feel very amateurish after seeing your beautiful work.

  9. Hey Neil,

    Congrats on the magazine interview! That's really exciting. :) I will definitely look for that issue at my local Borders!
