Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Mixmaster: In Progress - Post No. 2

Mixmaster   |   30 x 30   |   In Progress

I took a little time off from painting during the holidays, but now I'm back at work. I've got the underpainting of the mixer, stand and blades done. Now it's time to begin work on the glass bowl. 

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Happy Holidays 2015

Doug, me and a guy with a really small mouth

2015 is almost gone, so it's time to say, "Happy Holidays" to you all, and to say thank you for visiting my blog throughout the year. Your comments mean a lot to me and I appreciate each one. Now it's on to 2016, some new paintings and maybe some sales as well. Hope you all have a great holiday season, and I'll see you again next year.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Mixmaster: In Progress - Day 5

Mixmaster   |   30 x 30   |   Oil on canvas

I've been working on the Mixmaster for about five days . . .  and miles to go before I sleep.

Sunday, December 06, 2015

Dr. Pepper: Complete

Dr. Pepper   |   24 x 24   |   Oil on panel

Well, after numerous family health issues (including one of my own) and the holidays I finally managed to complete the Dr. Pepper commission. Now it's time to get busy on a new piece for Reh's Galleries in NYC. It will be another large Sunbeam mixer. All shiny metal and glass. I'm thinking 30 x 30, so in progress images will follow.

Sunday, November 08, 2015

Dr. Pepper: In Progress - Day 9 Under-Painting Complete

Dr. Pepper   |   24 x 24   |   Oil on panel

Day nine and the under-painting is done.

Tuesday, November 03, 2015

Dr. Pepper: In Progress - Day 4

Dr. Pepper   |   24 x 24   |   Oil on panel

A couple of more days and I've got all the type laid in, the first layer of the background and I'm just starting on the glass. 

Sunday, November 01, 2015

Dr. Pepper: In Progress - Day 2

Dr. Pepper   |   24 x 24   |   Oil on panel

Started work on the Dr. Pepper a couple of days ago. So far it's been all about the type. Today I hope to finish the labeling on the bottle, and the chevron and stripes on the carrier. After that it's on to the glass and the table top. 

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Honda Metropolitan: Complete

Honda Metropolitan   |   12 x 16   |   Oil on panel

It's been ten days since I finished the underpainting, but with some time off to spend with my brother here from New York, I'm calling it done. When it's dry and varnished it'll be heading out to San Francisco to C. K. Contemporary Gallery with two more 12 x 16's. 

Now it's back to work for Rehs Galleries in NYC. I've got a "soda" commission lined up first. A collector agreed to purchase both the Coke and Pepsi paintings at Rehs if I agreed to paint a Dr. Pepper to go with them. Didn't have to twist my arm to agree to that. When it's done I'm on to something else. What, I'm not sure. I'll be doing more photography in the coming days and I'm hoping to mine a composition from that. I'll post "in progress" shots of the Dr. Pepper commission, the first of which should appear in the next few days.

Friday, October 16, 2015

Study for Honda Metropolitan: In Progress - Completed Underpainting

Study for Honda Metropolitan  |  12 x 16  |  Oil on panel

Day ten and the underpainting is done. Now it's back to the top to begin the second pass. 

Monday, October 12, 2015

Study for Honda Metropolitan: In Progress - Day 6

Study for Honda Metropolitan  |  12 x 16  |  Oil on panel

Here's the Honda study with a few more days in. I took Sunday off to attend the Barber Vintage Festival in Birmingham Alabama. Three days of vintage motorcycles and racing. I took about 500 photos for potential painting reference, and had an all around great time. I'll post about that event in a day or two after I've had a chance to go through all those images.

Friday, October 09, 2015

Study for Honda Metropolitan: In Progress - Day 3

Study for Honda Metropolitan  |  12 x 16  |  oil on panel

Road Atlanta holds an event each year called, "the Mitty". It's a racing weekend exclusive to vintage racing cars. I attended this years race and took about 500 photos as reference material for future paintings. I was scrolling though those images the other day looking for something small to paint when I came across this photo of a little Honda scooter one of the driving teams had used to get around the grounds. This was what I was searching for. I'm calling it a "study" because I may want to do it again later in a larger format. On to day 4.

Sunday, October 04, 2015

Poets&Artists Magazine: Realism Issue

Back in 2008 I was fortunate enough to have my work shown in the first issue of Poets & Artists magazine, which at that time was called Oranges and Sardines. In 2010 editor Didi Menendez extended me a second invitation and now, sixty six issues later, Didi was kind enough to put my name in the hat for a curated realism issue. Frank Bernarducci, owner of the Bernaducci Meisel Gallery in New York is the guest editor. Frank selected 19 artists from a group of potential candidates from around the world and I was lucky enough to make the cut. It’s an impressive collection of painters, which includes two of my online buddies, Alvin Richard and Lorena Kloosterboer.

If you’re interested in purchasing this issue you can pick up a printed copy produced Blurb or download a pdf. Both methods are accessible from the PA website.

Thursday, October 01, 2015


Chicadee  |  10 x 12  |  Oil on hardboard panel

I'm getting ready to do some new photography, so I haven't wanted to start anything big. My urge to paint on the other hand is really strong right now and I couldn't bear the idea of giving up my brushes for an extended period of time. Fortunately, the answer to my problem was solved when I was in Karens office helping her decide on a composition.  As she was scrolling through possible images I noticed the Chicadee and said she should do that. Karen said she wasn't going to use that image because, "I can't paint grapes", so I asked if I could have it. There was a time when about all I painted was birds so I was pretty happy when she said, "yes". It was really fun to paint something with eyes again.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Karen's Show at Shain Gallery

Karen with our friends Jeff & Leslie Cohen

Karen and I drove up to Charlotte last week to attend the opening night reception of her solo show at Shain Gallery. Our plan for the week was to bring all the paintings up with us, drop them off at the gallery on Tuesday, then continue on to Wilmington where we were to spend the next three days with our friends Jeff and Leslie Cohen. And, that's what we did. 

After we dropped off the paintings and visited with Sybil Godwin, the gallery director, and Gaby Shain, the owner, we walked across the street to the Mellow Mushroom for a Mega Veggie pizza. When we returned to the gallery a collector, who wouldn't be able to attend the opening on Friday, was there to buy her favorite painting. Which she did. Revitalized, and with a sale under her belt, we drove up to Wilmington with (appropriately) Pat Conroy's The Prince of Tides playing on the stereo. 

Karen at Wrightsville Beach

We arrived early evening which gave us time to get reacquainted and drive out to the beach. The weather was absolutely perfect and our day was capped off with a spectacular sunset. A trip to the Cohens isn't complete without a meal at Flaming Amy's Burrito Barn their favorite restaurant, so that was our next stop. The rest of the night was spent talking, talking and talking. 

View of the Cape Fear River from our seats at the George Restaurant

In our time together we did a lot of beaching, rode bicycles through a wonderful park near their neighborhood, visited the Aquarium, walked the length of the Riverwalk, spent time with Jeff's parents at their beach cottage, and ate lots of good food. Lunch at the George on the Riverwalk was terrific. It was a great visit.

Karen and a fan

Friday morning we headed back to Charlotte just behind the Cohens who were coming to attend Karen's show. The gallery had done a great job of hanging the paintings, and there were also more red dots.

We talked a while longer then Karen and I went to the hotel to drop off our luggage. We returned to the gallery a short while later to find that the Cohens, who are both artists, were now going to show their work at Shain too. Very exciting news. We've all shared galleries in the past, and now the Cohens and Hollingsworths would be back together once again. 

Shain Gallery September 18, 2015

As it turned out the usual after show dinner at Nolen Kitchen wasn't going to happen this night because of other commitments, but Sybil and Gaby picked up the tab for Karen, me and their two new artists, for a pre-show dinner there. Very generous and very delicious. After we ate Karen and I returned to the hotel to get ready. Primping took a little longer than expected so we were a few minutes late, and when we arrived the space was already beginning to fill. There were also a couple of more red dots visible on the walls.

Awaiting their red dots

Karen was very much in demand that evening. I don't think I saw her once, the entire night, where she wasn't engaged with a fan or collector, discussing her work. I, the lone member of the paparazzi, spent my time chronicling the event. When the doors closed she had sold five paintings, with another on hold and two possible comebacks. Not a bad night.

Pooped, we drove back to the Duke Mansion, a really, really nice place to stay the night. We got up early the next morning and walked around Myers Park before breakfast. The "other half" lives very nice. 

With breakfast over and the car loaded up we hit play on the Prince of Tides and drove back to reality. All in all, a pretty flawless trip. 

Our Lodging for the night

Sunday, September 13, 2015

LeSabre: Complete

LeSabre   |   36 x 36   |   Oil on canvas

Well, it took a month but it's finally done. I'm thinking of doing something a little different next. Not drastic, but a little different. I've also got a few new items that need photographing, so I'll also be doing some picture taking in the days to come. My next painting will be small. Something to work on in the evening after the aforementioned photography is over for the day. 

Sunday, August 23, 2015

LeSabre: Day Ten - Underpainting Completed

LeSabre   |   36 x 36   |   Oil on canvas

Finished laying in the first pass of the bumper yesterday, which means the underpainting is complete. Now it's back to the top to begin the next pass. I painted a little on the roof last night. It plus the rear window should occupy my time for the next couple of days.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

LeSabre: Day Seven

LeSabre   |   36 x 36   |   Oil on canvas

Onward and downward towards the bumper. Took an entire session just to get the LeSabre badge mostly right, and another day to lay in the tail light. I never really enjoy the underpainting phase all that much. Everything looks so blah at the end of a days session (usually 6 to 8 hours of painting). I can't wait to get to the refining layers. For me that's when the fun begins. 

Monday, August 17, 2015

LeSabre: Day Four

LeSabre   |   36 x 36   |   Oil on canvas

I've spent the last few days working on a new painting for C. K. Contemporary. It's the right tailfin of a 1960 Buick LeSabre. At this stage I'm just roughing in the shadows and reflections, making sure the panel lines match up and laying in the type. The painting is all dull and midtones right now, but I'm hoping by the time it's done it'll be a cool shiny classic car.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Perc: Completed

Perc   |    24 x 24   |   Oil on panel

Perc is finally done! I was really making a career of this one painting. In the end I had to just force myself to stop. When it's dry and varnished it'll be shipped off to C. K. Contemporary in San Francisco. Got a new one on the easel today. A lager one. Based upon how I feel that one is  going, I may post a series of "in progress" images. 

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Our Show at Tree's Place Gallery

the Edward Gorey House in Yarmouth

Karen and I just got back from our trip to Cape Cod for our two person show at Tree's Place Gallery. This year we splurged and added an extra day to visit Nantucket. 

We left Atlanta early Thursday morning and arrived in Boston around noon, picked up our rental car and headed out to the Cape. I had always wanted to see the Edward Gorey house, so we veered off of 6 and headed to Yarmouth. A good friend had given me a poster of the Gashlycrumb Tinies about thirty five years ago and I've been a fan ever since. The little house and museum didn't disappoint and after a long visit we continued on to the gallery to check in with Mike, the new owner and Hannah the director. 

Karen on the rocks at Fort Hill


It was good to see everyone again and they had hung the show beautifully. After we got reacquainted Karen asked if there were any walking trails nearby. Mike suggested either the Fort Hill trail or Coast Guard Beach in Eastham. Fort Hill sounded good and we drove out there. The location was picture perfect. We took some photos but none of them conveyed the beauty of that area. There was only one "fly in the ointment" and that was the green head flies. Unbelievable. A few moments after this photo was taken we had to run like crazy to get back to the car and away from those blood thirsty demons.

Just off the ferry in Nantucket

We had dinner that evening at our favorite Cape restaurant the Karoo Cafe, then hit the sack early back at the Whalewalk Inn. Karen and I got out of there pretty early the next morning in order to make the ferry in Hyannis for our day trip to Nantucket. The ferry ride over was really nice, we couldn't have asked for better weather. Then it was all about walking, walking and more walking. It was great. 

Nantucket Harbor

After a few hours on our feet we were ready for something to eat. Being vegetarians finding food that didn't have parents was a problem. Another problem was that many of the eateries on the island don't serve lunch. After a long fruitless search we finally sat down on a bench to check Yelp. Karen was getting pretty desperate by this point when she noticed a coffee shop directly across the street called The Bean. She said she really needed to get something to drink and walked over to it while I continued to search for somewhere to eat. A few seconds later I heard her calling me to come to the coffee shop. I entered to see a large menu of sandwiches on a blackboard behind the counter. They served up the best veggie wrap I've had in a long time.

Me in the stairwell of one of Nantucket's art galleries

Refreshed we continued to explore the island. We visited a number of art galleries, and then wandered the neighborhoods off the main drag. Lots and lots of very beautiful homes. It was around this time that we needed to start thinking about getting back to the ferry for the return trip, but neither of us wanted to leave. It was only 3 o'clock, so we went back to the ferry office and asked if we could trade in our tickets for the 7:30 ferry. They handed us two new tickets giving us an extra four hours to explore. The added time gave us a chance to take a shuttle to the beach, see the Whaling Museum, visit a few more galleries and have a second veggie wrap at the Bean before he had to return to Cape Cod.

View from the steeple of the First Congregational Church of Nantucket

The sun was setting as we "sailed" back to the Cape . . . spectacular!

Anne Packard Gallery in Provincetown

Early the next morning we tried Fort Hill again in the off chance that the flies may not be up yet. No such luck. They were even worse than the day before, so we drove to the west side of Eastham to First Encounter Beach. It was beautiful and fly free. The Whalewalk starts serving breakfast at 8:30, so we drove back about quarter after eight and ate. After that we got cleaned up and drove up to Provincetown. Once again the weather was absolutely perfect. A great day for gallery hopping. We visited with Johniene Papandreas for a long time at her space, Gallery Voyeur. It was really nice spending time with her again. When we had walked the length of Commercial Street and back it was time to head to Orleans and get ready for our show.

Karen discussing her work

The show started early, about 5, but there was already a sizable crowd there when we arrived. The next two hours went quickly, and everyone was very complimentary about our work. It was a very pleasant two hours. By the time it was all over Karen had sold one large painting, and I had sold three small ones. Not too bad for the first day.

Karen and I at the beach

When it was over we thanked Mike and Hannah for a good show, said our good-bye's and yes drove back to Karoo for one last meal before packing up for our return to Atlanta the next morning. I don't think it could have gone much better. Maybe a sold out show would have pushed it over the top, but other than that it was a great trip.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Perc: In Progress - Day 10 Completed Underpainting

Perc: In Progress - Day 10 Completed Underpainting  |  24 x 24  |  Oil on panel

Finished up the underpainting last night. Now it's on to one (possibly two) refining layers.

Friday, July 17, 2015

Perc: In Progress - Day 5

Perc  |  24 x  24  |  Oil on panel  |   In Progress - Day 5

Inching along. About half way through the body, then down to the cup and spoon.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Perc: In Progress - Day 3

Perc  |  24  x  24  |  Oil on panel

It's been a while since I've painted a percolator, and now seemed like time for one. I've got a bunch of these vintage coffee makers and this is one of my favorites. It's really got that golden age of appliance design look that I love. 

Friday, July 10, 2015

Single Pepsi

Single Pepsi  |  24 x 24  |  Oil on panel

As soon as this piece is varnished it will be headed up to Rehs Galleries, Inc. along with it's companion Single Coke No. 2. Now it's time to show a little love to C. K. Contemporary. Barring any unforeseen events I plan to spend the bulk of the next six months producing work for these two galleries. They've both been really patient and deserve some serious attention. 

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Single Coke No. 2

Single Coke No. 2  |  24 x 24  |  Oil on hardboard panel

With work for the Tree's Place show complete, it's time to start painting for my other two galleries. First off will be a duo of sodas for Reh's Galleries, Inc. This "Single Coke" will be paired with a single Pepsi. When these two are done I'll be directing my attention to C. K. Contemporary. 

Monday, June 15, 2015


Karen and I lost the heart of our home on Saturday. Max was our therapist, confidant, playmate and best friend. 

Sunday, June 07, 2015

Clock Radio: Complete

Clock Radio  |  24 x 24  |  Oil on panel  |  Complete

I've got to say, this painting really kicked my butt. I'm still licking my wounds, but I'm calling it done and with that I've completed my portion of our two person show at Tree's Place Gallery in July. Now it's time to get to work for Reh's Galleries and C. K. Contemporary. I've got a duo of soda's ready to go for Rehs and some ideas bouncing around in my head for C. K. 

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Clock Radio - In Progress: Day 12

Clock Radio  |  24 x 24  |  Oil on panel  |  In Progress: Day 12

The completed underpainting. 

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Clock Radio - In Progress: Day 6

Clock Radio  |  24 x 24  |  Oil on panel  |  In Progress: Day 6

Put in a second layer to the background. It'll probably take a minimum of three layers. Added the first layer of the radio dial and knobs. Worked some color into the body and blocked in the GE logo the left.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Clock Radio - In Progress: Day 3

Clock Radio  |  24 x 24  |  Oil on panel  |  In Progress: Day 3

It's day three and I've been masking off various portions of the radio, laying in the first layer of the background color, working on the clock face and the lettering. Compared to the typewriter, this would seem a much simpler subject, but its' complexity comes in its' subtle variation in color, tonal values, and all those vertical vents with just a hint of a curve. Hope this turns into something. Back in a few days.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Tree's Place Show: PB&Jelly

PB&Jelly  |  12 x 12  |  Oil on panel

This will be the final small painting for our 2 person show at Tree's Place Gallery July 25th on Cape Cod. I had been feeling a little nostalgic and thought I might do a Pool Bowl for my last 12 x 12, but at the last minute I decided to do a PB&J instead. My next painting will be a larger piece, which will probably result in a number of "in progress" posts. It's going to be a tough one and I have to say I'm hesitant to show in progress images, since there is a distinct possibility that I may not be able to pull this one off. The first few days will give me an idea if I've bitten off more than I can chew.

Friday, May 01, 2015

Tree's Place Show: Remington Rand

Remington Rand  |  6 x 24  |  Oil

When I said that I thought this would take a little while, I had no idea that it would take as long as it ultimately did. I really got sucked into this one. It took four days just to paint the type hammers. 

Detail of keys and type hammers

I think it was worth the time because I'm pretty pleased with the final result. This will be shipped up to Cape Cod for the Tree's Place show Karen and will be sharing July 25th. I'm hoping to get one more small piece and one larger painting done for the show before I get busy painting for my other galleries. They've both been very patient and have earned some serious attention.

Detail of ribbon spool and carriage

For my final small painting I was thinking of another Pool Bowl. I haven't done one of those in a while and I've kind of got an itch.