Friday, May 01, 2015

Tree's Place Show: Remington Rand

Remington Rand  |  6 x 24  |  Oil

When I said that I thought this would take a little while, I had no idea that it would take as long as it ultimately did. I really got sucked into this one. It took four days just to paint the type hammers. 

Detail of keys and type hammers

I think it was worth the time because I'm pretty pleased with the final result. This will be shipped up to Cape Cod for the Tree's Place show Karen and will be sharing July 25th. I'm hoping to get one more small piece and one larger painting done for the show before I get busy painting for my other galleries. They've both been very patient and have earned some serious attention.

Detail of ribbon spool and carriage

For my final small painting I was thinking of another Pool Bowl. I haven't done one of those in a while and I've kind of got an itch. 


  1. Amazing detail, worth the time spent! Wonderful shades of dark.

  2. I love the crop and the tall format so very much. It is exquisite Neil.


  3. Your talent is a gift from God!

  4. Excellent details, you have more patience than most of us. Love the subject.

  5. The details are amazing; you did a fantastic job on this! I wish I had such great skills, and patience, too! Very good work, you should take pride in it. Visit the link:
