Thursday, February 10, 2011

Ketchup Complete

12 x 24 oil on hardboard panel

I've been slogging away at the second pass on this piece for about a week now and I feel it's (nearly) complete. There's just a couple of dabs here and there I think it still needs, but all in all, I thought it was close enough to go ahead and post the image and call it done. The final disposition of this painting is yet to be determined. I should know in a couple of days if it's going where I hope it's going. I'll confirm it, most likely, in my next post.

Now it's back to the Oranges. I've commented a number of times in previous posts that related to paintings of porcelain that I have struggled to achieve the wonderful translucent creamieness of that surface. Duane Keiser does it beautifully. The bowl containing the oranges puts me back at that place once more. I've never really recreated that surface to my satisfaction and hope with this piece I can get a little closer. Karen showed me a technique that I used on the Ketchup Bottle that may get me there. We'll see.


Unknown said...

This is amazing! You're very talented and have such a bold, original style. I enjoy your blog.

Jeanette Jobson said...

I love this piece. Everything about it is perfect. And that's coming from a ketchup hater! :)

Karin Jurick said...

Freakin' awesome Neil.

Anonymous said...

I love your attention to light that is evident in all your pieces, the pushing back and the pulling forward, the painting has definite evidence of a painter with a keen sense of sight. Beautiful

Tony said...

very nice job. The ketchup looks almost like a picture ! Keep on going painting like that, it's a pleasure to look at your creation
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