Sunday, August 23, 2015

LeSabre: Day Ten - Underpainting Completed

LeSabre   |   36 x 36   |   Oil on canvas

Finished laying in the first pass of the bumper yesterday, which means the underpainting is complete. Now it's back to the top to begin the next pass. I painted a little on the roof last night. It plus the rear window should occupy my time for the next couple of days.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

LeSabre: Day Seven

LeSabre   |   36 x 36   |   Oil on canvas

Onward and downward towards the bumper. Took an entire session just to get the LeSabre badge mostly right, and another day to lay in the tail light. I never really enjoy the underpainting phase all that much. Everything looks so blah at the end of a days session (usually 6 to 8 hours of painting). I can't wait to get to the refining layers. For me that's when the fun begins. 

Monday, August 17, 2015

LeSabre: Day Four

LeSabre   |   36 x 36   |   Oil on canvas

I've spent the last few days working on a new painting for C. K. Contemporary. It's the right tailfin of a 1960 Buick LeSabre. At this stage I'm just roughing in the shadows and reflections, making sure the panel lines match up and laying in the type. The painting is all dull and midtones right now, but I'm hoping by the time it's done it'll be a cool shiny classic car.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Perc: Completed

Perc   |    24 x 24   |   Oil on panel

Perc is finally done! I was really making a career of this one painting. In the end I had to just force myself to stop. When it's dry and varnished it'll be shipped off to C. K. Contemporary in San Francisco. Got a new one on the easel today. A lager one. Based upon how I feel that one is  going, I may post a series of "in progress" images.