Saturday, November 13, 2010


Karen and I lost our kittie Scout on Thursday. She had been running and playing all day as she always did, then came in for her regular afternoon nap. The weather that day was so nice we decided to take a walk at our local park. When we returned about an hour later, we found her asleep in one of her favorite spots, but when we petted her, she didn't respond. Scout was still relatively young and the personification of health. It has been a completely unexpected and devastating blow. Our only consolation was the belief that she passed peacefully in her sleep.

The next day, after we had pulled ourselves together somewhat, we began to make a list of her wonderful qualities. It went on for five pages. One of my favorites, other than the fact that she was the happiest and most loving of kitties, was how she was always bringing us things. It began when she was very young, and she would bring us acorns. She would search for us with the acorn in her mouth, meowing earnestly, then drop it near us with a look that seemed to say, "this is for you". Eventually she moved up to pine cones. Without exaggeration, over the years, it numbered well over a thousand. Sometimes eight to ten a day. It was so cute to see her emerging from the trees with a pine cone in her tiny mouth. Occasionally she would add something new that she had discovered in some distant part of her territory; a styrofoam cup, a little plastic toy hand grenade, a badminton birdie, and once a little American flag. In the last few years, she began to raid our stash of plastic grocery bags I had tied into knots to line the trash. If we forgot to close the pantry door, you could hear her, usually in the evening, going through the big bag of bags, searching for that perfect one, then the meow as she made her way upstairs, followed by a soft crunch as she dropped it gently onto the floor at the foot of our bed. What I wouldn't give to hear that sound just one more time.

Scout was a sweet, sweet kittie . . . .


  1. Neil,
    I am very sorry to hear about the loss of your kitty. I know which pain this can cause because when I lost mine many years ago I was totally devastated. I still mourn him because he was such a very special cat. For me a pet is not only a pet but a true family member that is terribly missed when gone.
    When the pain subsides with time - and it will - the beautiful memories of a very special creature will stay. Always.
    Sending you comfort for your soul... and maybe painting her will help to give her an eternal space.

  2. I am so sorry! She was beautiful, it's so hard to understand when it happens so suddenly.

  3. I am so sorry! It sounds like she was truly a wonderful kitty, and I am so sorry she passed on :(

  4. Anonymous7:25 PM

    Neil, I am very sorry about your loss of Scout! A cat person myself, I can relate and sympathize. It is awful when it happens, whether suddenly or after long suffering. Wishing for your pain to ease and happy memories to take over.

  5. if all things/one could only pass away peacefully and after a wonderful fun time.

  6. My sympathies from another cat lover. So sorry for your loss. Pets really do become part of our family and squirm their way into our hearts.

  7. So sorry Neil. Hugs to you both.

  8. Always a blow.... I'm still not over losing one of mine, also a Tuxedo, several years ago after 7 vets, meds, then finally a homeopathic vet although I'd have preferred holistic. Long story short, it's never easy and at least you aren't suffering guilt or a feeling of helplessness watching her deteriorate. Instead, she likely passed just as you said, peacefully in her sleep at home after a lovely day of play. We should all be so lucky. Perhaps you may wish to honor her in some special way with a donation to a shelter, etc.

  9. Poor pussy cat, it is always sad when a member of the family passes, fluffy, feathered, human or otherwise.

  10. Thanks everyone for your kind words. They have really helped to fill the empty space left in our hearts. Karen and I both appreciate the time you took to express your heartfelt condolences. Neil and Karen

  11. Oh, Neil & Karen, I'm so sad and sorry to read your news. She was beautiful, and what a wonderfully engaged personality she had. We've been deep in that sorrow, and we sympathize. Sending both of your grieving hearts comfort through memories, photos and each little gift she left for you to find.

  12. So sorry for your loss! Omg, can't even imagine what you're going through! She was a beautiful kitty. I love the photo of her. I'm wishing you comfort thru the memories of her and her fun personality...she would want that!

  13. I am so sorry for your loss. We lost our beloved dog a couple weeks ago, but it was a long time coming and we were prepared - such a different circumstance. May time and happy memories heal your broken hearts.

  14. SOOOO sorry to hear you lost a kitty--so sad! You wrote a very nice post about her, she was a nice cat!

  15. So sorry for your loss. We have many cats and each one is so special to us. We have lost a few over time and I can feel the pain right back when you talk of yours. The depth of sadness is equivalent to the amount of love...

  16. I am so sorry to hear about your loss of Scout. There are some pets that are extra special and Scout was obviously one of these. It recalls my special kitty Spatz who died suddenly in a similar way.

    My heart goes out to you two for your loss.

  17. Neil and Karen,
    I'm so sorry about Scout - I definitely feel for you. One of our cats is quite ill currently (chronic renal failure) and we are bracing ourselves for the inevitable end of his great little cat life... very sad. My condolences on the loss of your feline friend, it's a harder loss than people realize, I think.

  18. I am so sorry for your loss. A few months ago I came home to find my sweet kitty Murphy the same way. It turns out he had a congenital, incurable heart problem, young cats can just die instantly from it.

    Scout may have had something similar. He had a wonderful life and a painless death....again, I'm just so sorry

  19. What a cool memoriam to your beloved Scout. We recently lost our very special dachshund. I am with you - to give anything to hear that special sound or see them do that funny quirky thing they did - just once more...I'm sorry for your loss.

  20. Neil,
    I'm so sorry to hear that you lost Scout so suddenly.

  21. Dear Neil,
    I am so sorry for you and Karen and your losing Scout. My husband and I just lost our amazing kitty Scottie this past Sunday, and after posting his picture last night, I received an email about your Scout.

    Scout sounds so incredibly unique, she is so beautiful, and I thank you for sharing her story.

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