Monday, November 08, 2010


Karen talking with Diane Feissel

Karen and I just returned from another of our quick regional trips. This time we were off to Charleston South Carolina to hook up with our friend Karin Jurick. The first weekend in November is the time for the annual Fine Art Weekend, and Painting in the Park, sponsored by the Charleston Fine Art Dealers Association (CDFA). Karin was going to be participating in the Painting in the Park event, which culminates in an auction that evening. The proceeds from the auction will be used to support high school fine arts programs. The CDFA has donated over $150,000 since the event began back in 2006.

The event began bright and early Saturday morning, and the first artist we came across, painting just outside the gates of Washington Park, was Diane Feissel. Diane was very sweet and unassuming, and we had a wonderful time talking with her. At the conclusion of the event, and having seen all the artwork produced that morning, Karen and I (and Karin Jurick as well) agreed that in our opinion, she had created the most beautiful painting of the day.

Karin Jurick at work

It was a perfect day for an outdoor event, albeit quite cool in the early hours of the morning. Karin was sharing a model with another artist, and the poor girl was frozen by the end of the session. Fortunately the sponsors had provided hot coffee and muffins which helped take the edge off the chill, and everyone seemed to be having a great time. It was wonderful being surrounded by so many people supportive of school art programs.

Karin's piece taking shape

Logistically, Karin had secured a really nice condo in the heart of town that we all shared, and it was a great base of operations. The space had high, high ceilings with huge windows providing a wonderful view, and a rooftop deck for coffee and conversation. It was a terrific place to stay, and located only about a half a block from the hotel holding the auction.

Karen Larson Turner

When things wrapped up in the park, Karin had some loose ends to tie up, so Karen and I headed out into the streets of Charleston. What a great city. A great "walking" city. We spent the majority of the day visiting the wealth of art galleries there. Karen Larson Turner (above) was having a show at Wells Gallery, and she also painted a wonderful little still life in the park on Saturday for the auction. Mostly we wanted to see a new show at Robert Lange Studios. Robert, and his wife Megan, had put together a show titled, "Women Painting Women", and it was spectacular.

The gallery was nearly overwhelmed with patrons the night of the show. It was virtually impossible to move around, and the number of red dots almost matched the number of the visitors. It was nice to hit the gallery again the next day after the crowds had died down, and really get lost in those amazing paintings. Karen had actually been invited to participate in the show, but at the time she was asked her schedule didn't allow any time to get the work done. She was kicking herself as we walked through the gallery, that she had missed the opportunity.

Childhood . . .

All in all, it was a great trip. Perfect weather, good food, and really nice people. Karen and I were even recognized by a couple of fans of our work. That was very cool. Plus just getting to spend some quality time with Karin Jurick was priceless. I hope this was just the first of many trips to Charleston.

p.s. On a side note, I sold the Murray Grey before it even reached the gallery. In actuality, it's not even really finished. I still have to varnish, edge, sign and wire it. Thanks to all of you wonderful people at Mason Murer Fine Art.

I shot a bunch of new mule pix in Charleston, so maybe I'll paint another big quadruped.


  1. Love the photos Neil. Spending quality time with you and Karen was fabulous.

  2. Anonymous3:34 AM

    great post, enjoyed reading about your travels and congratulations on the sale of the painting

  3. Thanks so much for sharing your experience. I'm digging the photo, "childhood"; I think it would make a great painting! As I came home yesterday, there were some school children walking in the street ahead of me, all fanned out across the road. The sun was hitting them perfectly and of course, there I was with no camera to take advantage of the moment. Of course, I'd probably be arrested or at least questioned for taking their picture!

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