Monday, August 16, 2010

Dumbo: Completed

24 x 24 on hardboard panel

I feel like I've been working on this painting for ever, but Karen reminded me that I had spent much more time on other paintings I had done in the past than this. It was a labor of love, in that I had been saving this image, waiting for the right moment to paint it. I think it turned out pretty good. I could have futzed with it for a while longer, but decided to let it go as is. Anything else I would have done would probably be lost on the vast majority of those looking at it, and I didn't want to overwork it. I'll be shipping this out to Elliot Fouts Gallery in October for a still life show he's putting on. Two of my online colleagues, Chris Stott and Paul Brown, will also be part of the show. I can't wait to see what they will contribute.

Now it's onto some ebay paintings, and a small commission. When those are complete, I think I'm going to tackle a large cow. Something in the range of 30 x 48. If it happens, my largest painting to date. Yikes! I think it'll be fun. I love painting things with eyes.


Carol said...

Wow, very well done! I love the composition, it looks so dramatic and has a lot of movement, and your handling of the shiny surface is beautiful!

Beth West said...

You did a great job and I agree with Carol about the shiny surface. I like cows too. Can't wait to see your large painting!

Karin Jurick said...


Fay Akers said...

I love eyes too. It just seems that subjects with eyes have so much character. Love the final results.

James Neil Hollingsworth said...

Thanks all. It was a joy to paint. said...

I'm spellbound by this, and I know that it's only 40% of the impact it would have in person. I hope someone scoops it off the wall of the gallery and takes it home in the first 24 hours up there. Awesome work, my friend.

Dean Grey said...

So very impressive!!

You put a lot of time and effort into this painting and it shows!


Steve sculpts critters said...

Love it!
Dumbo has a little of the devil in him too...

Paul Coventry-Brown said...

How the hell did you paint something so amazing so fast???? The reflections on Dumbo alone are just stunning, those greys are just out of this world! I would not even have faced that challenge ... kudos ... we are not worthy ;-)
A truly masterful bit of painting and I wish I could see it 'in the flesh'!

Hey Neil, thanks for mention in your post, you humble me my friend :-)

Tahirih Goffic said...

This is gorgeous! How you've been able to catch the light glistening off the surface almost reminds me of being a kid...clutching the sides of those slick rides. This made a great subject for a painting and you've done an amazing job.