Thursday, April 22, 2010

Paul Coventry-Brown

I had to pass along some very cool information about an online colleague of mine Paul Brown. Paul and I have been corresponding for years. He's a great guy, and an amazing realist painter living in France. His work has recently been adopted by two major art suppliers for the promotion, and packaging of their products. The image above is an ad running in the April issue of The Artist's Magazine. Dick Blick has chosen his work to promote their cradled hardboard panels. The same ones I'm so fond of. He gets his own image in the ad along with three of his paintings. If that's not cool enough . . .

. . . Winsor & Newton has chosen his work to adorn the packaging of their new "Fine Detail" canvas. Elegant packaging to say the least. He even gets credit on the label for the painting. Unreal. Paul really deserves it. His work is truly outstanding. Congratulations Paul. You can see more of his work by clicking on his name above to visit his blog, or click here to visit his website.


  1. Hey Neil

    What a surprise this was ;-) Thanks so much ... and you know that if it wasn't for you talking me into it I wouldn't even have a blog!
    Your support over the last few years has meant a great deal to me and kept me going!


  2. Thanks for sharing this, Neil. Paul's work leaves me absolutely mesmerized.

  3. Absolutely stunning work...both of you!

  4. Paul's work is amazing!!



  5. Yea ! Glad to see his work featured. It was so great to see his work in the Blick ads. You're both tops...
