Monday, April 26, 2010


12 x 12 oil on hardboard panel
I spent the better part of the last week working on this commissioned painting for my good friend Phil. He and I have known each other since our first years of high school (I'm talking like since 1968). He commissioned me to paint this as a gift for his brother, who owns a coin shop. I have to say this was a tough one. I can't really say why, but the embossed images on these coins was a bear to paint. I think all in all it turned out pretty well. Karen and I will be heading up to Phil's this weekend for a cookout, and I will be turning over the painting to him then. Hope he likes it.


  1. That is just beautiful.

  2. This is wonderful! And quite difficult to paint, I'd imagine, due to the limited colours and exact details. So all the more wonderful for that reason! I'm sure the recipient will love and treasure it. Great stuff!

  3. Oooh, you do like challenges. It did turn out beautifully.

    Defining detail this fine can become hypnotic almost. Til it makes you crazy :)

  4. Anonymous9:10 AM

    I am positive he'll like it! On a remote chance that he won't you can always give it to me - I definitely like it! :)

    Really wonderful work!


  5. These are beautiful. I'm in awe that you were able to get the embossing so perfect. whew. I also love the difference in texture in the ages sheen of the coins and the mat quality of the background.
    wow. He'll love this. A great gift!

  6. Man alive...this is excellent Neil. If in the unlikely even Phil is not satisfied, please send it to me!

  7. I love all your work, but this one is special. Very impressive - the colors, the unusual subject and the composition are just wonderful.

  8. This is fun!
    It's creative, meticulous, artistic, familiar, desireable, hey I could go on and on...
    This sort of painting can be enjoyed by everyone!
    All your other art looks fun too!
    Thanks for all your efforts it's like sunshine on a cloudy day!

  9. This is so unbelievably realistic looking!



  10. You've done an amazing job on what must have been a real bugger!
    I don't even know where I'd start on something like that!
    Always love your stuff, keep the posts coming :)
