Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Focus: Leslie Cohen

oil - encaustic - paper - wood
30'' x 30"

One of the personal joys of my blog, is having a platform to brag on my friends, and colleagues. I've mentioned Jeff Cohen (see previous post) a number of times. Tonight I'd like to spotlight his wife Leslie. She was a graphic designer for years before she moved into the fineart realm with her etchings. They are not true etchings per se, but are reminiscent of that genre, and they're absolutely gorgeous. You have to see them in person to fully appreciate the delicate and complex technique involved in creating these. To see more you can visit her website.

Second Gardenia
oil on canvas
8'' x 8"

Then, all of the sudden, and seemingly out of the blue, she has become a photo realist painter. One day she wasn't, and the next day she was. It took me a lifetime to get where I am, and for Leslie it took, like a week. The amazing thing is she is so good. Right out of the gate. Karen and I had to call her when we first saw these new paintings, to ask, "who are you?". It's really exciting. We can't wait to see what will come next. These new paintings are being auctioned on ebay. If you'd like to take part in the bidding you can access the auction by clicking here.


Anonymous said...

I really like this painting, it looks so quite, peaceful and charming....

k Madison Moore said...

I believe you ART HAS BEEN STOLEN at the following
They have the painting titled Grape Tomatoes by James Neil and the link comes here. There are several stolen paintings there. You may want to check. I could not find an email address for you so had to do it this way. Good Luck.

tlwest said...

Just gorgeous!

Pito said...


Great painting.
Great blog.

Austin Maloney said...

Hi Neil,
As one of my favorite blogs, I am giving you an art blog award. It can be copied from my blog at http://austinmaloney.blogspot.com/ You are asked to list 7 things that you love and give the award to 7 other artblogs.



Anonymous said...

I love all your works, they are wonderful, but this one is the closest to my soul.
Your hole blog is so beautiful, I hope you don't mind being one of my favorites on my humble blog.