Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Karin Jurick has the cover of American Artist

To those of you who follow my blog, it will be no surprise to read that Karin Jurick is one of my closest friends. I rarely miss an opportunity to mention it. Today I'm busting because her work is on the cover of the current edition of American Artist Magazine. The cover! Not to mention the eleven paintings on four pages within the issue. If by chance you haven't already seen her work you should really visit her website. I think she's one of the most talented artists out there, and I love the fact that she is getting this great exposure. If you'd like to read the entire article, and see all of the paintings you can view it by clicking here.

In addition to the AA article, her second blog, Different Strokes from Different Folks is currently featured in SouthwestArt's: Essential Guide to 2009. The story of the creation of that blog, and it's amazing growth in popularity is an interesting one. You can read that story in Karin's primary blog, A Painting Today.

Congratulations Karin.


  1. Anonymous12:11 PM

    Congratulations Karin. I love your paintings.

  2. Hooray for Karin! That's wonderful news. Thanks for posting the information Neil!

  3. Anonymous3:23 AM

    How could has so many creative ideas about oil painting?
