Monday, January 26, 2009

Bulb Vase No. 4

Bulb Vase No. 4
oil on hardboard panel
6'' x 6"

I've been waiting for a while now on some kind of response from the higher-ups at Print Pack about my artistic contribution to their board room. It's impossible for me to completely relax about a painting until I hear from the recipient that they are happy with the work. Today I finally got some news from Spalding. The paintings have been hung, and he says they look great. Official approval will hopefully come about thursday when the CEO returns to Atlanta, and "reviews" the completed commissioned pieces. If he is pleased, I'll consider the job complete. As I mentioned in an earlier post, there has been some scuttlebutt about the possibility of doing more paintings along these same lines. So, my pocket book, as well as my ego hopes the response is positive.

I've also been busy working on photography for a potential commission in Chicago. When I have a few suitable compositions ready, I'll send those off, and keep my fingers crossed that they will be approved. There will be a significant time crunch on this one, so I hope the approval process moves quickly.

I'll have another five ebay paintings going up this week. I was in the mood to do some glass, so I revisited my light bulbs. It's a tightly cropped portion of a glass vase filled with light bulbs sitting on a stainless steel table. Other materials to be represented this week will include; china, silver and plastic. Watermelon will finish off the week. If you'd like to bid on this painting you can participate in the auction by clicking here.


  1. Anonymous9:58 PM

    So great...and it's too difficulti to describe my feelings on it.
