Monday, December 29, 2008

Reese's: 5th Completed Commission Piece

oil on canvas
30'' x 30"

At last, the Print Pack commission is finally complete. Reese's makes number five. Now all I've got to do is send off a jpeg to Spalding, then wait to hear from the client that everything is acceptable. Hopefully a check will soon follow, along with a proposal for additional paintings in the future.

I also recently received an email from the person responsible for acquiring art for the new executive offices of Mead Johnson Nutrtitionals in Chicago. He wanted to know if I would be interested in providing some artwork for that project. We're scheduled to talk after the holidays, so I'll have to keep you all posted on how that goes. If what we've discussed to date turns out as planned, it could be a fun project. To be continued . . . .

Christmas was nice. Karen and I spent the day with my folks. Lots of good food, and stimulating conversation. Then later that evening home to watch, It's A Wonderful Life, and finally off to sleep with visions of . . . . I'm not sure at this point how, or with whom we'll spend New Years Eve, but that aside Karen and I would like to wish you all a Happy New Year!

I'll see you back here in 2009.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Happy Holidays 2008

Wow! Another year has come and gone. Unreal. Seeing as it is that time of year again, Happy Holidays. I'd also like to add a special message to this post, a word of appreciation to all of you who have taken the time to write comments throughout this past year. Thank you. I'm bad about responding to them I know, but I'd like everybody to understand that they are very much appreciated. I hope everyone has a great holiday season, and to you all, my best wishes for wonderful 2009!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Corporate Commission in Progress: Reese's

oil on canvas
30'' x 30"

I usually wait until I get a little further along with a painting before I post an in progress image, but I haven't been painting much recently, and figured I'd better get something up. I hate to let more than a week go by between posts. Since I've done so little on this particular painting I may ultimately have two progress posts. My excuse was a wedding. Our nephew Jason Meyerson was married this past weekend, and we've been occupied with get-togethers, and ceremony for a good part of last week. The wedding went very smoothly, and everyone there had a great time. Jason was really happy, and his bride Alyson looked very beautiful. Jason and Alyson are are sweet couple, and I know they will be extremely happy together. They have that, "made for each other", quality. In addition to the wedding I've also been busy getting Karen's new 24" iMac (an early present to herself) set up. I'm so envious. And if this wasn't enough, I also spent some time getting the house looking "chrismassee". Now it's time to get back to work finishing up the commission, and moving on to more personal paintings.

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Lay's: 4th Completed Commission Piece


oil on canvas
30'' x 30"

I can almost see the light at the end of the tunnel. This is number four of the five commissioned paintings for Print Pack. All that leaves is a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup, and then that's it. It will be good to get back to gallery work again. I just hope there is still an audience out there that can buy art. My gallery sales have been in a slump lately. Karen's sales, on the other hand, have actually increased since the economic "meltdown" began, so I remain cautiously optimistic. My main thrust on completion of this last commissioned painting, will be to get new work out there. I've enjoyed working on these larger pieces, and am excited about continuing in this scale with other subject matter. Once the Reese's is done, I'll get busy with new photography, and hopefully come up with some fresh, and interesting ideas.

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Corporate Commission in Progress: Lay's

oil on canvas
30'' x 30"

I've just completed the first pass on the fourth commissioned painting. My plan is to finish up this, and the last piece by the end of December. I'd really like to get back to gallery work, and ebay. I think I can do it.

There have been rumors of adding more items to this commission. This would give the execs the ability to replace selected paintings in order to highlight specific clients during board meetings. Not a bad idea actually. If this does turn out to be the case, I still think I'll work on other non-commissioned pieces prior to returning to the corporate gig.

Had a good holiday. My brother came in from NYC, and spent a few days with us. While he was here, we went to the King Tut exhibit at the Atlanta Civic Center. That was very cool. I'm a huge fan of Egyptian art. The next day was spent at the Terracotta Warriors exhibit at the High Museum of Art. As amazing as the warriors were, I think the most awe inspiring things I saw at the museum that day were one of Leonardo Da Vinci's notebooks, and Johannes Vermeer's, "The Astronomer". These two completely blew me away.