Friday, August 29, 2008


oil on pre-primed hardboard panel
6'' x 6"

Dumbo is the last of my outside paintings for this week. I have to say this was without doubt the most fun of this series. Karen and I were driving to Gallery Street to pick up a couple of her new giclee's, and on the way we passed one of those nomadic carnivals that set up in parking lots. I made a mental note to return the next morning, and do some photography. When I got there the delapidated state of most of the rides deflated my hopes for getting any good material. Then I came across the little elephant ride, and cheered up. The elephants were in great shape, with a high gloss finish, and bright colors. In the end I wound up taking a lot of photos of the entire set up, but these little guys were the hit of the party. I think that one of these could eventually wind up as a much larger painting sometime in the future. It would be a hoot to paint one of these really big. If you interested in bidding on this painting, you can access the auction by clicking here.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Big Wheel

Big Wheel
oil on pre-primed hardboard panel
6'' x 6"

Earth moving equipment is another of my favorite subjects, but one that seldom gets much exposure. I suppose it's something with a limited audience, but I think they're amazing looking. Like some great prehistoric creature. The tires, in particular, are a wonderful focal point. I granted myself as much time as I needed on all the pieces being posted this week. It was a luxury, but these compositions were a bit more complicated than much of what I usually do, and I felt they needed that extra time. Plus, they were all such fun to paint. If you are one of that rare breed who can appreciate the beauty of a front end loader, and would like to bid on this painting, you can access the auction by clicking here.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Study for: Spire

oil on masonite panel
6'' x 6"

I've gone outside this week. Fay brought us some dramatic weather, and the lure of the clouds was too strong, so I've returned to my urban landscapes. This subject was a common theme in my early days on ebay, and I've really missed it. Savannah is a great city with beautiful architecture, and my favorite structure there is the french gothic Cathedral of St. John the Baptist. I've painted it a couple of times in the past, and I've been working on a new composition featuring it. The study above is a fragment of the total image I plan to use. It will be a real tour de force in the use of clouds. Intimidating to say the least. I don't have this actually "scheduled" as yet, but the study above has wetted my appetite. I spent more time than usual on this weeks work, consequently there will only three pieces. I'll be back tomorrow with number two. If you'd like to bid on this painting, you can access the auction by clicking here.

Monday, August 18, 2008

57 Chevy Bel Air

57 Bel Air Tail Light
oil on masonite panel
10'' x 10"

I was only able to produce one painting this week. The Bel Air took the better part of four days to complete. Not a very cost effective way of working, but painting this was pure pleasure, and I didn't want to rush it. The 10 x 10 masonite panel it's painted on had been originally prepared for my wife Karens' return to ebay, but the recent flurry in sales of her full sized originals put the kibosh on that plan. So, I decided to use it myself for the Chevy. I had been jonesing to do another auto painting, and figured this would be a good time to get it out of my system. If you'd like bid on this painting you can access the auctions by clicking here.

To see a visual example of the old adage, "great minds think alike", check out Stephen Magsigs' blog entry for August 15. A beautiful rendition of a familiar subject.

Friday, August 08, 2008

Pool Bowl No. 9

Pool Bowl No. 9
oil on mdf panel
6'' x 6"

And finally this week . . . . a bowl of pool balls. - We're off to watch the opening ceremony of the summer Olympics. - If you'd like to bid on this painting you can access the auction by clicking here.

Thursday, August 07, 2008

Vintage Milkshake Mixer No. 5

Hamilton Beach Milkshake Mixer No. 5
oil on pre-primed panel
6'' x 6"

Tonight I'm back to the Hamilton Beach Model 30 Milkshake Mixer, but I've painted it on a new type of panel. Historically I have cut, and primed my own mdf or plywood panels, but this was done on a commercially made product from Dick Blick. I have to say I really like it. It's got a great surface that takes paint nicely, and it comes with a pre-cut slot in the back for hanging.

The price is considerably more than buying one large piece of mdf at the local home store, and cutting it into multiple panels, but it is not unreasonable. I think the next time I'm back at the art supply store, I'll be picking up a few more of these. It wouldn't surprise me, if at some point in the not too distant future, I was using these exclusively for my small paintings. If you'd like to purchase the painting above, you can access the auction by clicking here.

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Balsamic No. 2

Balsamic No. 2
oil on mdf panel
6'' x 6"

My third painting this week is a second interpretation of this little bottle of balsamic vinegar. I wanted to see how much visual information I could pull out of this dark reflective subject. It's a bit like doing the light bulbs, only in reverse. The goal was to convey the inky liquid contained within the glass bottle without losing it in the background color. I got pretty close, but still have a way to go. I see a few more versions of this in my future. If you'd like to bid on this painting you can access the auction by clicking here.

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Cherry Bag No. 2

Cherry Bag No. 2
oil on mdf panel
6'' x 6"

Cherries are my fathers' favorite fruit, and he's suggested that I paint them in a clear plastic bag. This will actually be my second version of this subject. The first was painted for a show at Twinhouse Gallery in Atlanta. Karen and I bought a new batch of cherries just today at COSTCO, and I'll be photographing them prior to their consumption. There is something about a cherry. I can't pin point what that "something" is, but they seem to have a universal appeal. I hope I get some good shots before these wind up on a plate. Those images will have to last me until next season. If you'd like to bid on this painting you can access the auction by clicking here.

Monday, August 04, 2008

Maple Leaves No. 5

Maple Leaves No. 5

oil on mdf panel
6'' x 6"

On a hot and humid summer day it's nice to work on a composition of autumn leaves. This is the Japanese Maple just outside our kitchen, and in the fall it is a site to behold. I've done various incarnations of this theme, but this version has that wonderful blend of yellow to red that really lights up when the leaves are struck by the sunlight. This is the first of five paintings to be listed on ebay this week. If you are interested in bidding on this painting you can access the auction by clicking here.

Saturday, August 02, 2008

Sliced Bread No. 4 - Full Sized on Canvas

Sliced Bread No. 4
oil on canvas
30'' x 30"

I had intended to post this, the second commissioned painting now headed to Stricoff Fine Art Ltd., a couple of days ago, but there was a rather serious glitch in the spam spotting software used by this week. Apparently it (mis) diagnosed practically everyone as a spammer, and blocked our ability to post. Needless to say, for those of us who utilize our blogs not only as a means to connect with art aficionados, and other artists, but as a marketing tool as well, this was a serious problem. Blogger handled the situation in much the same way Apple delt with the iPhone 3G, and Mobile Me fiasco, by ignoring its' supporters while they worked things out. There was nothing on the Blogger site to officially acknowlege the situation, while the support discussion group was flooded with cries for help. Consequently for a number of days we were all in the dark. Today there is a message on the Blogger site admitting to the problem, and assuring everyone that it will be resolved soon. I'm a huge fan of both Blogger and Apple, so my concern with all of this is not the fact that they both had unexpected problems, but with their delay of information provided to those of us who use their service, and depend on it. Technology is a wonderful, but fragile thing.